Example sentences of "[art] old bailey " in BNC.

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1 A teenage couple whose baby was taken to hospital with bruises and bleeding eyes seemed unconcerned when told he might die , the Old Bailey heard yesterday .
2 Leroy Pearson , aged 52 , of Mitcham , Surrey , who axed his 30-year-old wife Leigh to death , was jailed for life at the Old Bailey yesterday ..
3 AYOUTH was sentenced to be detained at Her Majesty 's pleasure at the Old Bailey yesterday for the murder of baby Christopher Palmer while the mother was convicted of cruelty but cleared of murder and manslaughter .
4 Leslie Thomas , a leader of a gang that organised acid house parties in London , was jailed at the Old Bailey yesterday for five years and three months after being convicted in his absence of plotting to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
5 Leslie Thomas , aged 27 , who organised acid house parties in London , was jailed for five years at the Old Bailey yesterday .
6 Leslie Thomas , aged 27 , who organised acid house parties in London , was jailed for five years and three months at the Old Bailey yesterday .
7 A United Nations diplomat was ordered to forfeit a £10,000 security at the Old Bailey yesterday after his son , Petrus Alberts , 23 , failed to appear on arson charges .
8 A WOMAN student was strangled and dumped in a field by her mentally ill musician boyfriend who thought she was the devil , Mr Victor Temple , prosecuting , said at the Old Bailey yesterday .
9 Two men calling themselves Laurel and Hardy threatened to poison tubes of toothpaste unless Colgate handed over £170,000 , the Old Bailey was told yesterday .
10 BOGUS aristocrat Rosemary Aberdour was back at the Old Bailey yesterday in danger of having her sentence for stealing £2.7 million from a hospital charity increased .
11 A man who held staff at a medical centre hostage after his wife 's death was freed at the Old Bailey yesterday in an ‘ act of mercy ’ .
12 Identical twin boys , aged 14 , were found guilty of robbery and attempted robbery at the Old Bailey yesterday after holding up two women with air pistols in Wembley .
13 Save him for the Old Bailey and whichever penal dustbin they locked dope peddlers in .
14 Last year 's crop of court cases at the Old Bailey reported in national newspapers included : a French master who had a store of pornographic photos of teenage pupils dating back ten years ; a religious education master who simulated sexual intercourse in front of his pupils ( the Old Bailey heard he had done this little party trick dozens of times at different schools ) ; a primary school teacher who was allowed to go on teaching after being found guilty of ‘ lewd , indecent and libidinous practices ’ against ten- and 11-year old boys ; and a music teacher in Sussex who had raped , attempted to rape and indecently assaulted hundreds of girls over many years .
15 Last year 's crop of court cases at the Old Bailey reported in national newspapers included : a French master who had a store of pornographic photos of teenage pupils dating back ten years ; a religious education master who simulated sexual intercourse in front of his pupils ( the Old Bailey heard he had done this little party trick dozens of times at different schools ) ; a primary school teacher who was allowed to go on teaching after being found guilty of ‘ lewd , indecent and libidinous practices ’ against ten- and 11-year old boys ; and a music teacher in Sussex who had raped , attempted to rape and indecently assaulted hundreds of girls over many years .
16 And , with the purposeful stride of a great barrister on his way to a confrontation in the Old Bailey , he went out into the hall .
17 The Old and New Courts described , SB 31 ; ‘ hold up his hand at the Old Bailey ’ , i.e. to plead guilty .
18 Sentence of death was passed on 8 convicts at the Old Bailey , 4 of whom were executed on 15 Feb. : ‘ One of those who suffered was for robbing a farmer 's boy of sixpence . ’
19 You used to have to go to London to the Old Bailey , giving evidence and anything like that .
20 I was at the Old Bailey , spent about two weeks there — I had the London detective with me .
21 I went to the top of Ludgate Hill and watched exhausted men being carried out of the Old Bailey , then down side streets to where the steeple of St Bride 's church was tottering and the bells had gone crashing down minutes previously .
22 In July , 1986 the Old Bailey witnessed the trial of a woman branded ‘ voodoo child killer ’ by the press .
23 The case had taken two weeks at the Old Bailey , the first devoted to legal argument before the jury was sworn .
24 At the Old Bailey , the defence argued that after such painstaking tests of public taste , their clients must have had an honest mind in relation to its subsequent exhibition .
25 Mortimer left in a hurry , caught his plane , and was standing bewigged at the Old Bailey the next day .
26 Oczelebi fled the country with his victim 's jewellery , the Old Bailey heard .
27 She confessed that before she was due to give evidence against Courtney at the Old Bailey , she nearly ran away .
28 At the Old Bailey yesterday Everton , of Edmonton , north London , admitted three robberies and related firearms charges and asked for two attempted robberies to be considered .
29 He had flown into a rage when he found his car , left in a private car park in Hounslow , west London , was clamped , the Old Bailey heard yesterday .
30 The firm had to close while an expert sorted out the mess , the Old Bailey heard .
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