Example sentences of "[prep] explaining the " in BNC.

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1 Wesley 's model for explaining the nature of faith is the model of perception .
2 Figures 3.1 is a familiar , and a very useful one for explaining the financial structure of the NHS in England .
3 So many , so arbitrary , so variable have these definitions been , she claims , that they provide no basis at all for deciding which children need special education nor for explaining the growth of special education .
4 The rest of this chapter will be concerned with developing one particular model , known as the income — expenditure model , which has frequently been used as a basis for explaining the operation of fiscal policy .
5 ‘ I 'm obliged to you for explaining the situation .
6 Newton 's mechanics provided such a programme for eighteenth and nineteenth-century physicists , the programme for explaining the entire physical world in terms of mechanical systems involving various forces and governed by Newton 's laws of motion .
7 For example , Jones ( 1976 ) in a study of central Wales found that employment , the desire to live in a better area and a former link with the area were important reasons for explaining the success of a growth pole town , Newtown .
8 One could try to account for this by invoking the anthropic principle , but grand unified theories actually provide a possible mechanism for explaining the imbalance .
9 FIGURES 1 and 2 : models for explaining the relationship between care programming and care management in mental health .
10 The need for further study of this confused period is clearly indicated , but the statements of Ibn Hajar ( and al-Makrizi ) and of the earliest chronological list and the document indicating Molla Fenari 's presence in Karaman in Jumada II 819/August 1416 provide at the least a consistent basis for explaining the reason for , and establishing the date of , Molla Fenari 's return ; and it may therefore be tentatively concluded that Molla Fenari returned to the Ottoman lands some time in , or shortly alter , Sha'ban 820/September-October 1417 .
11 A mechanism which was proposed in Chapter 2 for explaining the inverted-U relationship was that of attention focusing occurring at higher levels of arousal in line with Easterbrook 's hypothesis .
12 What is important for explaining the occurrence of the bare infinitive here is the way the means are viewed by the speaker : all the uses of how + bare infinitive involve a clear negative bias as to the existence of any means of realizing the event denoted by the infinitive .
13 Guillaume 's notion of a representation of person as a support within the infinitive has proven to be extremely fruitful for explaining the uses of this form discussed above .
14 Although the monkey/Shakespeare model is useful for explaining the distinction between single-step selection and cumulative selection , it is misleading in important ways .
15 Lower capacity utilization was also important for explaining the fall in the profit rate in the United States , though this is only a partial explanation .
16 Thanks are also due to , , and , of the Library 's curatorial staff , for explaining the aims of the Survey to members of the public entering the Exhibition Room ; and to members of the Library 's warding staff for their co-operation during the period of the Survey .
17 I myself , not having much knowledge of computer electronics called for the services of a professional Computer Engineer , after explaining the symptoms he gave the PC a thorough check , he then informed me no fault could be found but suggested that as the problem was intermittent and the PC was somewhat old , it could be susceptible to noise not conducted but radiated at some external source , Radio Frequency Interference ( R.F.I. ) .
18 After explaining the nature of my quest , they told me about their own favourite legal high .
19 I remembered John Bunyan 's Pilgrim 's Progress and , after explaining the story briefly , said that we all went through a Slough of Despond at some time , but God led us out .
20 Which goes some way towards explaining the relative stagnation of the British economy .
21 Nonetheless , the name adequately describes this unusual laser principle , and goes some way towards explaining the fundamental advantage of FELs .
22 This may go some way towards explaining the difference of opinion in the various ‘ recommended ’ lists ; it all depends from what point of view ( or various shades thereof ) one is approaching the task , and for whose benefit ?
23 A rise in numbers would by itself help to explain why the upper classes were looking for new and wider choice of occupation ; it does not go far towards explaining the popularity of Cîteaux .
24 These opium-induced trances may have produced states of awareness and revelation which explain some of the fantastic imagery of Minoan religious art , and which may even go some way towards explaining the extraordinary architectural achievements of the temple-builders .
25 If he is right , then the more enlightened upbringing of English children since the war may also , oddly , go some way towards explaining the much-touted decline in contemporary English drama .
26 Patronage was necessary , because it was expected that the member of parliament should be able to obtain it , a fact which goes a long way towards explaining the close links between so many Scots members of parliament and administration .
27 The power structure and finances of the Church go some way towards explaining the management of its buildings .
28 This goes a long way towards explaining the awkwardness felt by the foreign learner in conversation an awkwardness which does not seem wholly attributable to faulty or slow processing of grammar and vocabulary .
29 Schema theory can go a long way towards explaining the sender 's choice and arrangement of information in communication .
30 It probably means that the average family is a much more relaxed affair than the traditional Scottish household used to be , but it goes some way towards explaining the numbers of children at risk in our society from adults outside the home , as well as from their own undisciplined emotions .
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