Example sentences of "[prep] various reason " in BNC.

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1 For various reasons , we expected little of the sitting hen .
2 At the same time , an industrial holding company was being built up by acquiring firms which , for various reasons , were unsuitable for turning into public companies .
3 For various reasons I am unable to publish a transcript of everything that was said , although some salient points are to be found in the book .
4 For various reasons , therefore , he moved to Jamaica and , although he returned to Barbados many times , it was never with any great enthusiasm for the place .
5 What happens to the grief reaction when there has been little warning of the impending death , or for various reasons , where there has been no opportunity to be involved in the preparation process ?
6 For various reasons they were wrong ; but illusion of continuity was easily available because they had at least some of their kinsmen at close quarters , met them and socialized with them each day .
7 The final list is of capped players who were sounded out about availability and , for various reasons , have asked not to be considered .
8 For various reasons they were unable to attend this meeting , and so all the arresting officers could do was to take the names of those who were present .
9 Of the total 79 referrals received between October 1987 and March 1988 , the NSPCC team dealt with 50 cases alone , jointly investigated one with social services department staff and referred the remainder on for various reasons for example , secondary task work .
10 In Team D , however , the data collection strategy failed to produce a comparable sample , for various reasons concerned in part with the way the CSW approach operated ( see below ) .
11 Many appointed in this way were ex-professional theatre actors or directors who for various reasons ( not always the best ) were interested in transferring to the amateur world .
12 Major fisheries — those for cod of the North Sea , the anchoveta of the Eastern Pacific — occur in areas where , for various reasons , nutrients are stirred up from the bottom and the plankton can thrive .
13 The CEBs represent a radical move for the church for various reasons .
14 For various reasons several of our most active members will be unable to give their valuable support to your committee over the coming months .
15 For various reasons , some horses are not broken until they are four or even five years old .
16 For various reasons , including the fact that he had recently eaten , it was not thought wise to operate until about 10pm that night .
17 For various reasons the size of a public library 's bookfund is more often the result of circumstances and local politics than of reasoned calculation .
18 Another table showed the level of satisfaction with BNB for various reasons , graded from 1 ( very dissatisfied ) to 5 ( very satisfied ) .
19 the amount of your personal allowances may change for various reasons ;
20 Mitzi , who was Brown Owl 's assistant , told them when asked that there was no limit to the number of bridesmaids a bride could have , but that two or three was most usual , for various reasons that she explained .
21 There were the people who were in favour of ‘ baiting the goons ’ and those who for various reasons thought this was ‘ bad Policy ’ .
22 Useful clinical pointers are the unavailability for various reasons of the patient 's urine tests — lost book , came out in a hurry , left it on the bus — occurring with each clinic visit , and an enquiry as to when the patient last had something to eat .
23 There was , incidentally , a moment in the 1860s when it seemed that the newly proposed Methodist College might be founded in Portadown but then , for various reasons , Belfast was chosen .
24 The body 's defence mechanisms against infection — immunity ( p. 82 ) — can usually cope with small numbers and the body only succumbs to infection when the invading numbers are large or when , for various reasons , resistance is lowered .
25 It was not known whether they would be the most advanced protagonists of environmental scanning , but for various reasons it was expected that they would have views about scanning and about the extent to which they wished to undertake formal environmental analysis .
26 For various reasons of a nationalistic and religious nature the New Style calendar did not gain immediate acceptance except in those countries honouring the will of Rome .
27 Unfortunately , there are many people who think of ideas but , for various reasons , do n't voice them .
28 If we assume that for various reasons promotion within six months is not possible , all or some of the interests might be met in alternative ways .
29 It is surprising that higher education libraries have not become more fully committed to aspects of the teaching of study skills , for various reasons .
30 The issues discussed are of considerable interest , For various reasons .
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