Example sentences of "[prep] [art] sovereignty " in BNC.

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1 The early life of their son , Henry II , was marked by the wrangle between Stephen and Matilda for the sovereignty of England .
2 Here we encounter the continuing dominance of the philosophy of the subject , which , according to Foucault , was specifically introduced in order to provide a ‘ shelter for the sovereignty of consciousness ’ against the intrusion of heterogeneity .
3 We do not have sovereignty in this House ; it is a shorthand for the sovereignty of the people .
4 Hampden fought and died for the sovereignty of Parliament .
5 During the sovereignty negotiations of 1982-84 , for instance , social order had shown its most serious signs of fragmenting when , in the autumn of 1983 , accelerating speculation against the Hong Kong dollar sent the exchange rate into free fall .
6 Because of this , political ideas in class societies , ideas such as the sovereignty of the State and the particular idea of justice embodied in law , are all manifestations of the imposition of the consciousness of the dominant class , because they facilitate and hide class exploitation .
7 Labour , with its well-entrenched factions , egalitarian values , myths about the sovereignty of the party Conference , and separation of powers between the National Executive , Conference , and parliamentary party , has required coalition building skills of a high order .
8 This concern about the sovereignty of Parliament has to be seen in the context of political realities as seen by the constitutional authorities .
9 If one was not worried about the sovereignty arguments there might be a case for a single currency in Europe .
10 However , with the emergence of the Southern Irish state , it soon became clear that this secularization of the state form was not to signify an absence of Roman catholic power in the construction of public morality , but rather an indirect recognition of the sovereignty of the church in most areas of moral concern besides education .
11 In the first place , the retention of the archaic concept of the sovereignty of the Crown-in-Parliament has precluded the development of a fully-fledged citizenship based on the democratic concept of the sovereignty of the people .
12 In the first place , the retention of the archaic concept of the sovereignty of the Crown-in-Parliament has precluded the development of a fully-fledged citizenship based on the democratic concept of the sovereignty of the people .
13 Most of us are aware of verses that speak of the sovereignty of God .
14 I had to come to grips with how my understanding of the sovereignty of God applied in that situation .
15 It is the prevailing view of the sovereignty of Parliament , above discussed , that if Parliament wished to cast off a part of the British Dominions and abjure jurisdiction over it , it could do so .
16 Eminent authorities both in the United Kingdom and in the Commonwealth have expressed different views as to the impact of this provision upon traditional notions of the sovereignty of the imperial Parliament .
17 There is thus a rule of construction that if a provision in an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom is ambiguous , it should be given that interpretation which is consistent with international obligations rather than one which conflicts ( Inland Revenue Commissioners v Collco Dealings Ltd [ 1962 ] AC 11 ; similarly , there is some authority for seeking to protect fundamental constitutional statutes from unintentional repeals ( see , e.g. , per Lord Wilberforce in The Earl of Antrim 's Petition [ 1967 ] 1 AC 691 ) If , however , such devices do not evade the problem , then traditional notions of the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament require that any provision in any later statute which is inconsistent with any earlier provision repeals the latter to the extent of any inconsistency , whether declared or intended to have this effect or not ( Vauxhall Estates Ltd v Liverpool Corporation [ 1932 ] 1 KB 733 ; Ellen Street Estates Ltd v Minister of Health [ 1934 ] 1 KB 590 ) .
18 The position of the subject here is quite simply that he is free to do anything that is not prohibited by law but that , by reason of the doctrine of the sovereignty of Parliament , anything can be prohibited or required .
19 And for Hobbes the idea of the sovereignty of the ruler was paramount .
20 The other constraint on the absolutist interpretation of the sovereignty concept arose from Dicey 's normativist conception of law .
21 The committee was appointed to consider powers of delegated legislation and quasi-judicial decision and to report on any safeguards needed ‘ to secure the constitutional principles of the sovereignty of Parliament and the supremacy of the Law ’ .
22 That control might be exercised on the basis of considerations of sovereignty ; some countries in the civil law tradition see service of process as an act of State , an exercise of its judicial power , and are reluctant to permit within their borders an expression of the sovereignty of another State ; in Switzerland service on behalf of the plaintiff of foreign process without the permission of the Swiss authorities appears to be an offence punishable by imprisonment ( and even , theoretically , solitary confinement and hard labour ) 11 .
23 Whether correctly or not , he was interpreted as the philosopher of the sovereignty of the popular or general will over all partial or sectional interests .
24 In 1812 the Cortes of Cadiz drew up a constitution which consecrated the dogma of the sovereignty of the nation .
25 Hence , in the mouths of conservative lawyers , we catch an appeal to the radical doctrine of the sovereignty of the nation ; it alone could provide a theoretical basis for resistance to a French king whose claim was legally established by the formal abdication of both Ferdinand VII and his father .
26 Britain never developed this idea of popular sovereignty in constitutional terms , even if we sometimes talk of the sovereignty of the electorate in political terms .
27 What , in particular , remains of the doctrine of the sovereignty of Parliament by which no one Parliament may bind the actions of its successor ?
28 As Martin Howe puts it : ‘ The existence of an ultimate right of secession is the ultimate touchstone of the continued existence of the sovereignty of the nation state . ’
29 Will he give active support to a federal solution for Cyprus which does justice to both communities within the integrity of the sovereignty of the republic of Cyprus ?
30 People talk about the great sanctity of the sovereignty of Parliament .
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