Example sentences of "[adj] sunny day " in BNC.

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1 On a calm sunny day plenty of undersized fish were caught all day .
2 But I know we 'll meet again some sunny day . ’
3 The final race for the Murphy Howard Cup was in ideal conditions , force 4 and another sunny day .
4 They sit here day after day , gazing out into the middle distance , letting their problems stockpile to nothing more complicated than yet another sunny day on the porch of a listing old house .
5 Clear sunny day followed upon clear sunny day , and when rain fell it fell at night to scent the dawn with the evocative fragrances of damp lavender and box .
6 Clear sunny day followed upon clear sunny day , and when rain fell it fell at night to scent the dawn with the evocative fragrances of damp lavender and box .
7 The inquest at Cheltenham County Court heard it was a clear sunny day with little traffic on the road .
8 The radiometer was designed for use on clear sunny days out of doors .
9 My idea of heaven is a warm sunny day , a varied selection of blossoming fuchsias and Nat King Cole singing ‘ Dance Ballerina , Dance ’ .
10 Gradually I will extend the picture to take in the surroundings : town or country , soft grass or cobbled path , warm sunny day or frost and snow … and so on .
11 It was high summer , a warm sunny day .
12 How could clothes not dry out on a warm sunny day ?
13 The perfumes and aromas exuded by their leaves and flowers on a warm sunny day give any garden a fourth dimension , and one of the charms of the Greek and Italian hillsides is the pungently aromatic fragrance given off by the herbs and shrubs .
14 CHRISTMAS Day in Perth is usually a pleasant , warm sunny day with temperatures nudging towards 30° C.
15 On a warm sunny day in the open air it might have been idyllic .
16 Or maybe even further than that : to those warm sunny days when she sat watching her Daddy and asking him questions and he told her like he always did - ‘ Go and play , there 's a good girl . ’
17 On warm sunny days you may see Red-eared Terrapins basking around the edge of the lake .
18 The English climate , having given its clients a long series of warm sunny days , had decided that this must be paid for .
19 1956 was n't a good summer , but we were fortunate in having three sunny days out of four .
20 He certainly captured the feeling of that gorgeous sunny day in Beckenham Park , but it was not his own feeling .
21 It 's a fine sunny day in August — but where are all the loafers lyin' about on the grass ? ’
22 Achiltibuie is at its best on a fine sunny day of clear visibility .
23 It was a fine sunny day but a long walk , about 30 km .
24 In autumn , just as the leaves change colour , Austria has long periods of fine settled weather , with long sunny days and mild temperatures .
25 The summer of 1914 started very much like any other , with Chapman passing the long sunny days playing cricket and golf with his players and keeping them in trim for the coming season .
26 He never noticed the brilliant sunny days , hot as the Mediterranean , when the sky was vivid blue , and the air as sweet as wine .
27 ‘ But I do n't want to stay ! ’ she cried , and , turning , she ran for the door , flinging it open and running through the arch of the long porch into the still sunny day .
28 After Lloyd chose to bat on a pleasant sunny day , Botham somehow managed to get the ball to swing and took 5 for 72 , including his three hundredth wicket in Tests .
29 I was happy to let the pleasant sunny days go by .
30 It was a beautiful sunny day , if anything it would be too hot for the marathon runners who set off before the fun runners , fun walkers and fun pusher !
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