Example sentences of "[adj] economic growth " in BNC.

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1 It resulted from government initiatives which centralised the process of wage-fixing to keep down labour costs and promote savings in an attempt to accelerate the modernisation of industry and foster economic growth .
2 While the earlier research concentrated on the impact of local external resources on innovation within such firms ( eg labour supply industrial material linkages ) , the current work seeks to explore the internal impact of variable entrepreneurship on small firm innovation , and the subsequent ramification on regional economic growth .
3 Neither does higher tax necessarily mean lower economic growth .
4 A communiqué issued after the meeting called for " stability-oriented " monetary policies and noted that the Gulf crisis posed " a risk of inflation and a risk of lower economic growth " .
5 Political stability plus appropriate tax and expenditure policies are also essential for stable economic growth .
6 Marking his first anniversary in power , President Ferdinand Collor de Mello announced a National Reconstruction Plan on March 14 , aimed at restoring public confidence in his government 's determination to secure stable economic growth in the medium term , and in its flagging efforts to control inflation [ for March 1990 , February 1991 anti-inflation plans see pp. 37312 ; 38002 ] .
7 It is still more likely than not that all EC countries will have ratified the Maastricht Treaty by the end of 1993 , and it can then be left to one side for a year or so while the easing of German monetary policy and a return to positive European economic growth ease the pains of convergence .
8 On April 11 Pöhl had denied rumours of an imminent rise in German rates , noting that inflation had actually fallen from 2.7 per cent in February to 2.5 per cent in March , despite strong economic growth and public-sector borrowing .
9 In other words , education accounted for at least 12 per cent of the total economic growth during the first period and 23 per cent during the second ; if the overlap between educational improvements in labour and advances in knowledge is not complete , then the contribution of education to economic growth is higher for both periods .
10 Policies of economic redistribution to the less well off met with resistance from skilled workers at a time of low economic growth .
11 Low income equals low savings and investment , this results in a low economic growth and , because of rising population , per capita income remains low .
12 As a result , it may become necessary for these countries to discipline their own working classes as low economic growth generates domestic unrest .
13 They then alleged that the private ( marketed ) sector was squeezed by higher taxes to finance this growth in the public sector — the result being deindustrialization , low labour productivity , low economic growth and balance of payments problems ( see also Ch. 14 ) .
14 The supposed crisis resulted from rapidly growing numbers of elderly people in proportion to the number of wage earners in the population , low economic growth and taxpayer resentment at the " burdens " of welfare .
15 The lower estimate is predicted for low economic growth and much higher fuel prices than today , while the higher estimate is based on a combination of high growth and cheap fuel .
16 Continued economic expansion and the widespread belief that Keynesian economic techniques provided governments with an effective tool for managing the economy had engendered the belief that the future would be like the present , but better , that economic growth would simply continue into the indefinite future , bringing more and greater benefits to all segments of society .
17 Ryzhkov assessed that by the second stage the situation in the consumer market should have improved radically , that material and financial market equilibrium could be achieved in 1992 , and that economic growth and an improvement in living standards was possible from 1993 .
18 There was doubt that this was possible , given that economic growth in 1989 had fallen to 3 per cent , from 5.6 per cent in 1988 .
19 While stressing that economic growth and helping the poor were not contradictory objectives , the report recognized that its strategy could entail " a trade-off , especially in the short run , between the interests of the poor and the non-poor " .
20 It 's it 's also the main area of housing demand , it 's also the main area where employers want to locate around around North Yorkshire , and I think most importantly , if its development needs are not met , these can wo n't be satisfactorily diverted elsewhere , they will continue unresolved which would be continual pressure on the edge of the urban area , and on on the greenbelt , and if that holds the effect would of course be that the tight greenbelt would mean that economic growth in the county would be frustrated , because York is the main centre where employment growth is concentrated , and I would think , I would consider that that solution of a tight greenbelt plus not making sufficient provision for development needs elsewhere in York would be contrary to P P G three paragraph three , which I 'm sure you 're aware of .
21 His almost religious conviction that the preservation of the gold standard was essential to British economic growth , plus his belief in the primacy of the state over party , ensured that he lacked ‘ the ability and willingness to jettison cherished assumptions in the face of changing realities . ’
22 By then British economic growth rates since 1973 had undergone a transformation and were better , over the years 1981–5 , than all the rest of the EC except Denmark and Luxembourg .
23 Policy-makers should stop fretting about unemployment and the provision of welfare state safety nets and should concentrate on doing whatever was necessary to achieve inflation free economic growth .
24 Indeed it was this economic growth which made the Second Empire so important for 19th- and even 20th-century France .
25 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development cut its forecast for 1993 economic growth in its 24 member countries from 1.9% , its estimate of last December , to 1.2% .
26 During the 1950s and 1960s high economic growth and government policies alleviated this problem , so that tariff and quota reductions were implemented to the benefit of all nations engaged in international trade .
27 Largely because of the high economic growth rate in Southeast Asian countries , electricity demand is far outstripping demand throughout the region .
28 This growth area strategy has been complemented by the designation of an additional 27 rural development points considered to be capable of further economic growth , whether in industry , as in Kirkwall , or services , as in east Sutherland .
29 The anticipated increase in the South 's population is the result of a high birth rate and , at present , a declining death rate ; thus despite some economic growth many poor LDCs face the prospect of static or declining per capita incomes .
30 Profits : By having extensive overseas interests , banks can take advantage of different economic growth rates and stages of the business cycle in various countries , so enabling them to stabilise their profits .
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