Example sentences of "[adj] decision making " in BNC.

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1 It could not be otherwise if literary intelligence was to make itself available in drawing-rooms to administrative and political decision making .
2 There is no necessary connection between political decision making and moral change : politics is not a simple reflection of changes in society .
3 However , one of the important themes in this book will be the developing de-democratization of local political decision making and consequent administration .
4 Firstly , the council had a large Labour majority with political decision making often restricted to the Labour group and with little debate in committees .
5 A third kind of analysis conceives some sections of the middle class ( technicians , managers , engineers , professional employees in the public service and in private industry ) either as constituting an important part of a ‘ new working class ’ which is likely to participate in its own way in a refashioned socialist movement ( Mallet , 1975 ) , or as forming one element — alongside the old industrial working class — in a new class , which is becoming involved in a new type of struggle , directed against those who control the institutions of economic and political decision making , and who reduce it to a condition , not of misery or oppression , but of restricted and dependent participation in the major public affairs of society ( Touraine , 1971a ) .
6 The Presidential Council initially appeared designed to supplant the CPSU central committee politburo as the main centre of political decision making in the Soviet Union .
7 This diversity led to confusion among observers as to whether the Council would indeed become a significant centre of political decision making , or would be a much less important and purely consultative body .
8 erm in political decision making .
9 But he 's got no , as far as I can see he 's got no convincing argument that democracy will do better , but that does n't matter because he thinks that the decisive criticism of enlightened despotism is that it wo n't improve the moral or intellectual well-being of the citizens , but if people are excluded from political decision making , they will have no incentive to educate themselves or morally improve themselves , or he thinks if they do , if a despot does allow for the moral improvement of the citizens , then citizens will no longer accept despotism so that despotism is in a way self-defeating here and if it one of the proper functions of government it ca n't survive .
10 The nature of delegated financial control is that decision making in these areas is moved from the LEA to the school level .
11 I think that in the nineteen nineties , there is agreement that some reform is need is needed that there should be a better balance between the different groups at conference , and that decision making in the parties should be seen to be democratic open and based on one person one vote .
12 Now , what 's Roy Hattersley 's record of regional decision making ?
13 However , case conferences are not just a forum for professional decision making .
14 [ T ] he existing system of professional decision making for people with mental health problems is one which already incorporates many of the best principles of care management .
15 It 's private decision making .
16 The abstract musings of macroeconomists did not encroach on the hard world of economic decision making .
17 Economists were being involved in the process of economic decision making in a manner which had been unknown previously , and most of them found this admission to the counsels of the influential and powerful to be very congenial .
18 For senior managers the change in role is from tactical decision making to strategic decision making , highlighting the need for a significant increase in information flows and requirements .
19 Commercial intelligence is essential for informed decision making .
20 A fully comprehensive , flexible and accurate database will improve the quality of analysis , lead to more informed decision making and assist in the identification of new target groups to influence the development of new Plans .
21 One of them is that expertise conveys the ability to help with public decision making .
22 Individuals from pressure groups , or at least representing specific interests , secure entry into the ranks of those who exercise power by virtue not only of expertise but also of personal qualities , such as persistence and charm , which enable them to persuade that they have something to contribute to public decision making .
23 He said the decisions were being made by Bernie Ecclestone and a handful of other people , but the sponsors and suppliers like Goodyear were not being involved in this decision making .
24 7 ) Why may it be difficult for a supplier to sell his products to a company that makes use of a multi-individual Decision Making Unit to make purchase decisions ?
25 His mind rebelled against further decision making .
26 Previous decisions and recommendations are evaluated against their implementation outcomes and used to inform future decision making and problem solving .
27 Discuss the reasons why accrual accounting methods are not appropriate to future decision making .
28 A central decision making process involving Inspectors and civilian decision makers was established and developed … .
29 Although chain hotels are often constrained by bulk purchasing agreements and central decision making , it should not be beyond the imagination of those involved to make each property memorable through small design details such as prints or lighting .
30 It also suggests that , given the inevitably subjective nature of much decision making within this area , proposed changes to child care law and procedure should take more account of family rights and due process of law than is the case at the moment .
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