Example sentences of "[adj] be avoided " in BNC.

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1 There is no need to obtain DNA clones from other workers , so all the problems previously associated with that are avoided .
2 If so , is the worker 's effectiveness reduced through a loss of relationship and , if it is , can this be avoided ? ’ ( p. 15 ) .
3 How can this be avoided ?
4 Occasionally it may be necessary to pass a urinary catheter to drain the bladder , but this is avoided , if possible , for the procedure may itself introduce infection .
5 But this is avoided through the assertion that blacks are being given an unfair advantage by the hidden helping hand of the race relations industry .
6 Out of necessity , some organic sprays may have to be used but this is avoided as much as possible .
7 In addition , the effect was not secondary to secretin release caused by duodenal acidification as this was avoided by pretreatment with omeprazole and diversion of gastric secretions .
8 These were avoided and a positive touch down made ; the stall warning sounded just before the aircraft hit ground .
9 These were avoided , as the homeless mentally ill tend to have a low toleration for lengthy interviews .
10 It is most likely in communication settings where topics about which the learner is unhappy are avoided or ignored .
11 As we have seen in earlier articles , these conditions can all be avoided , at pool construction stage and , subsequently , by exercising common sense .
12 The other variable costs can all be avoided if the contract is not accepted .
13 Dr Schwarz has suggested that the evidence points to the regional divergence becoming a clear trend only after 1770 , with falls in real wages in the 1760s being avoided only by some groups in Lancashire and Yorkshire .
14 Indeed it was the accepted orthodoxy that battles should in general be avoided as too risky and that skill in manoeuvre was the real criterion of ability in a commander .
15 Observe the slight modification rendered necessary in bar 6 owing to the lack of the low B on the viola , and how in the same bar , the doubling of the 7th in the dominant 7th is avoided by the return of the viola to D ♯ on the third beat .
16 Thus the damaging divide between what is established and what is innovative is avoided , the present is seen to be an evolution from the past and not an abrupt and revolutionary change of paradigm which requires a radical shift in allegiance .
17 Only thus , in fact , can over-pressurizing of the young be avoided — by developing their capacity to be able to think effectively for themselves .
18 Under these circumstances , how could overlapping be avoided ?
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