Example sentences of "[adj] [be] deemed " in BNC.

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1 As a general rule , documents which are more than 20 years old are deemed to be " ancient " and are presumed to be authentic unless proved otherwise ( Evidence Act 1938 , s4 ) .
2 The educational psychologist may be invited to observe a child it playgroup should this be deemed useful hut will not , as a rule , carry out a formal assessment during playgroup time which would thus single the child out from his/her peers and probably deprive the other children of their leader 's care .
3 This is deemed unethical until a product is licensed .
4 There is an exception where there are no records and this is deemed reasonable in the circumstances .
5 The fact that this is deemed necessary is probably also a reflection of the lack of formal sign language teaching and the understanding of the process itself .
6 This is deemed the choice posting for a fighter pilot , and the final chapter gives you about as much insight into flying one of these extraordinary aircraft as you are likely to achieve short of flying one yourself .
7 It should also be remembered that s 19(l) ( a ) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 provides that where there is a covenant , condition or agreement against assigning , underletting , charging or parting with possession of the premises or any part thereof without licence or consent , this is deemed to be subject to a proviso to the effect that such licence or consent is not to be unreasonably withheld .
8 Generally speaking , this is deemed to provide some clue as to one 's destiny .
9 One solution is to adopt the North American practice of providing patients with a comprehensive list of postoperative complications , but to most British doctors the prospect of burdening patients with ‘ unwanted ’ information about what might go wrong is deemed to be both unhelpful and unkind .
10 At a gig in Newcastle , I was reprimanded for saying that a condom smelt ‘ fishy ’ , as this was deemed to be implicitly degrading to women .
11 The Bretton Woods arrangements were designated to foster a network of multilateral trade and payments in the world as a whole , since this was deemed desirable for the development of world trade .
12 This was deemed to be discriminatory according to the European Directive on payment of benefits , and it was replaced with the severe disablement allowance for all claimants in 1984 .
13 Since , the " Commando " had a clear warning that the contents should not be used after a certain time , this was deemed to put the plaintiff on notice not to use the herbicide and he could not complain that his own misunderstanding of the consequences of ignoring the warning had rendered the herbicide unfit for the purpose which it was supplied .
14 Refreshment facilities on the stand are good attractors , and from the results of the study this was deemed to be a major drawing force .
15 The accused is deemed to have the intention permanently to deprive ( see Mulligan , below ) .
16 For example , the average property value in England in 1991 was deemed to be 80,000 , i.e. it is located in band D — between 68,000 and 88,000 ( column one ) .
17 On such grounds , the treaty of 1259 was deemed to be invalid .
18 Returning to the three possibilities , consider the second , where competition exists and produces tolerably efficient results , but these are deemed undesirable .
19 Transit by sea or air must however be excluded as these are deemed to be risks insurable by Marine Dept .
20 Through the ideological prism of Marxist historicism some Soviet Russian historians see ample justification for the Russians , intrusion into the lives of the Siberian natives in the benefits of civilization which the latter are deemed to have received .
21 Private customers receive more protection under the Rules than do non-private customers since the latter are deemed , to some extent , to be better able to look after their own interests .
22 A guerrilla reserve of approximately 3,000 was deemed to exist in North Korea .
23 The second QLF , if any , will only be considered if none of the reference resolution possibilities for the first is deemed acceptable .
24 Not only was this St Vitus ' Day , but the ascent of Leo was in the appropriate conjunction with the sun and Saturn , and the date and time of 1357. was deemed numerically prophetic .
25 The chances of these Communist tactics leading to the Third World War by 1953 were deemed too high for any complacency in Western capitals .
26 It does not concern itself with encyclopaedic or ’ world ’ knowledge — that is deemed the province of pragmatics .
27 The farmer 's tied him to the fence to stop him butting the sheep and that 's deemed to be cruel .
28 Would first statements made up to 28 February 1994 be deemed to exceed 18 months ?
29 After eight weeks , a further four patients eventually underwent surgery for failure to heal , two were lost to follow up , and four were deemed to have resistant ulcers ( Fig 1 ) .
30 We had Paul Gascoigne pulling someone 's shorts down the other night , and that was deemed to be a prankster at work .
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