Example sentences of "[verb] over half " in BNC.

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1 With only about 20% of the city 's beds , the Health and Hospitals Corporation in the early 1980s provided over half of all organised outpatient visits and 40% of all emergency care in the city .
2 By the early seventies Japanese yards were launching over half the world 's ships .
3 After lunch ( not included ) visit the Medieval town of Gouda , famous for its cheese but with a lot more to discover such as St. Jans Kerk which contains over half of Holland 's antique stained-glass windows , the Gothic City Hall dating back to 1430 and a collection of fascinating museums .
4 If readers of the Figures wished successfully to grow the delectable assortment presented by Miller , they had but to turn to his Dictionary for all the practical advice gleaned over half a century 's gardening and , if that proved too expensive , then there was the Abridgement or the Kalendar .
5 His army 's just a day away from here , and ours is still scattered over half Belgium .
6 Guild of Bricklayers ’ judges visited over half of the original projects entered taking into account technical quality , cleanliness of the face , correct use of coloured bricks and particularly the quality of any special features , such as arches .
7 The last remark could be made of financial problems also , yet , even in these hard times , it can hardly be said that insoluble money problems beset over half the population of Britain .
8 If you follow form this year 's national hunt festival should be a feast for the Nicholson team … he 's enjoying his best ever season … a record 80 winners have won over half a million pounds worth in prize money … stable jockey Richard Dunwoody is leading the chase for the championship … and the secret of all this success
9 For the first thousand feet there was nothing ; then a couple of private duels ; then a sprawling mêlée of about twenty aircraft spread over half a mile of sky .
10 In 1952 nearly 60 per cent of the production of the ACCs was located there , produced by around 33 per cent of the total number of workers operating over half of the business capital stock .
11 Chemists were well on the way to forming over half the total of persons professionally engaged in science .
12 The six steam locomotives helping to run the train services between Swanage and Harman 's Cross during the special weekend cover over half a century of British steam locomotive development — from Victorian times during the time of Gladstone and Disraeli through to the ‘ new dawn ’ of the 1960s and the era of the present Queen and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan .
13 High Alpine mountains , lakes and barren rocks cover over half of the country .
14 ‘ I heard he 'd made over half a million dollars , ’ said Lowe .
15 Liffe 's Michael Jenkins says London handles over half of European financial futures trades and 90% of the German bund trade .
16 If the AEC had made no difference to the male participants with five or more preconvictions we would expect over half of them to have been reconvicted .
17 On one occasion , for example , the AAA Under-21s and Youths ' championships , I counted eight blacks in the whole non-participating sectors of the Alexander Sports Stadium , yet black participants comprised over half of the competitors .
18 An outbreak of food poisoning at the Stanley Royd Hospital near Wakefield affected over half the 800 elderly patients and caused nineteen deaths .
19 However , the residual eccentricity of the lunar orbit , plus other effects , means that we can see over half , about 59% , of the lunar surface from the Earth .
20 The Middle East is the most energy rich region of the world , possessing over half the world 's proven oil reserves and a quarter of the world 's gas reserves .
21 For two summer holidays my parents took a Prep school outside Westerham and from here we bicycled over half of Kent with our Father or played on the small school fields or swam in the local swimming bath .
22 We are actually talking of events which happened over half a century ago .
23 The National Trust protects over half a million acres of countryside , mountains and lakes , farms and woods , and over 500 miles of coastline , nearly all of which is free to be enjoyed by everyone , to walk , sail , climb , picnic , or just simply relax .
24 ‘ They 've franked over half of it , ’ she said .
25 I remember a short , rhythmically complex passage patiently unpicked and reconstituted over half an hour .
26 Complex carbohydrates will make up your food intake when you cut down on fats , and should provide over half your energy needs .
27 The radial shields extend over half the radius of the disk and are about 3 times as long as broad .
28 I 've called over half a dozen times , Mellissa ! ’
29 The war had cut a swathe of destruction across northern France and killed over half a million people .
30 Aid and credits from the World Bank and Japan constituted over half of the total package .
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