Example sentences of "[verb] vanished [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Tweed has vanished off the face of the earth , ’ Buckmaster informed his subordinate in his lofty voice .
2 Even fish-pox on a couple of Koi has vanished without trace , and the growth rate of some ( not all ) of the fish has been encouraging .
3 Add to that the fact that the Paris-based company that supplied the cargo has vanished into thin air , and it starts to look very suspicious . ’
4 In less than half an hour , the rapture has vanished into the ether , and Highbury is once more what I have always known it to be — a refuge for depressives and malcontents , whingers and whiners .
5 A WOMAN accused of cruelty to her baby daughter has vanished with the child .
6 A DEPRESSED mum has vanished with her three mischievous sons after saying she could not cope with long school holidays and mounting debts .
7 Now Ramzan has vanished with the cash .
8 It is clear that all resistance to shearing has vanished by the time that the atoms are balanced on top of each other , which will occur when the whole material has been distorted in shear through an angle of 30° .
9 In April 1990 the Guardian carried a leader in which it described the ideal citizen as conjured up by Mr Hurd as ‘ active but elusive ’ : ‘ Apart from a minor sighting in a speech by John MacGregor , the Active Citizen has vanished from public debate as if he had never been . ’
10 Now the GA aerodrome is no more , the ATZ has vanished from the charts , and the good citizens of Grimbergen are finding they have exchanged the gentle putter of Lycomings and Continentals for the full-throated roar of northbound RR- , GE- and P & W-powered 747s and Airbuses as they thunder over their rooftops after take-off from Brussels ' Runway 25R .
11 Akeman Street was the boundary between what is now Tackley Park and Whitehill Farm as early as the year 1004 when King Ethelred gave the small estate of Whitehill to St Frideswide 's monastery at Oxford , and it is still a boundary though the Roman road has vanished from sight .
12 CASH has vanished from gaming machines , bingo nights and raffles .
13 Their plight has vanished from the headlines , other stories have taken its place , but the killing continues and the loss of life continues .
14 POLICE are investigating a Darlington wedding car company which has vanished from its Yarm Road premises in Darlington .
15 — Since John Constable left to brew beer in Butterknowle the Chain locker in North Shields opposite the ferry landing has vanished from the Good Pub Guide .
16 Roz got up to answer it , and when she 'd vanished into the lounge , Hatch added , ‘ Jack 'll never show .
17 It was almost as if he 'd vanished into thin air .
18 Every month he 'd read a list — it was a list of names of young men , and some women , who 'd vanished from the face of the earth .
19 ‘ It 'd vanished from the page , ’ he said .
20 ‘ It does look as though some top Communist agents in the security services in various East European countries-have vanished into thin air .
21 You could have vanished into a Scotch mist and taken a boat to one of the Western Isles — with all the plate and linen , etc. , etc. — for all I am aware .
22 Neurotic enough to have vanished of her own accord — or even to have got herself murdered .
23 It was n't possible for him to have vanished like that .
24 His accusations backed up with the evidence found by Craig would be enough to convict Spencer and send him to prison for some time , once his whereabouts were discovered , for Spencer seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth .
25 The Doctor 's hand appeared to have vanished from the wrist up .
26 They and their forces seemed to have vanished from Ralarth .
27 She had had the barest glimpse of it , for it had vanished at once , but somehow it had left her with an uncanny impression that was not particularly pleasant .
28 I found nothing ; it was as if they had vanished at the end of the revolution .
29 Da Silva had vanished at Canjuers ; a Scotsman had been thrown out for being underaged ; Gionesca was in hospital in Orange with dysentery and pneumonia after his bath ; Gazil , the Rumanian paratrooper , had developed a massive infection on his back caused by the friction of his rucksack during marching ; and the other six were ill or disabled after our stay at Canjuers .
30 And you see all the crop had vanished over the night .
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