Example sentences of "[verb] specially [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 1.28 A badly disabled plaintiff might need specially constructed or modified accommodation and a whole range of appliances to make his life more tolerable ( see George v Pinnock [ 1973 ] 1 WLR 118 , Cunningham v Harrison [ 1973 ] QB 942 and Abdul-Hosn v The Trustees of The Italian Hospital ( 1987 ) unreported ) .
2 But a leading Japanese poet , Shuntaro Tanikawa , has provided Rupert Sheldrake with an old Japanese rhyme , and has specially written a genuine poem and a nonsensical poem , all with the same rhyme and metre .
3 SoftPC emulates 286-based PC hardware in real or protected mode — and the 80287 maths co-processor — within the software , and has specially written display and mouse drivers which translate Windows display and mouse instructions into the native X Window environment — boosting the speed of Windows applications to that comparable with 80386 hardware ( or 486 on an R4000 ) , according to Insignia .
4 Any evidence that , for example , a printer has specially increased his profit margin to cover a risk factor , would be fatal to a s2(5) claim .
5 Most serious cases of sex abuse are passed on to a unit which is designed for this purpose and has specially trained staff .
6 The second , a concentrator massage head has specially designed stimu-nodes to work on problem areas .
7 But for the thirst snake of Guyana they are a favourite food and it has specially modified jaws with which to deal with them .
8 The area underlain by marble was accurately delineated by means of closely spaced specially drilled deep boreholes , and the resulting maps have allowed the town planning authorities to modify their layouts .
9 However , negotiating the public transport system may simply be too difficult for someone with mental disorder and ‘ dedicated transport ’ using specially trained personnel , though expensive , is often the only feasible solution .
10 They created the atmosphere and mood , but the narrative was told by the dolls using specially created movements which could be called dances of character .
11 Using specially arranged cognitive tasks it has been possible to show that this inhibition is weaker than average in psychotic individuals , otherwise ignored information being relatively more available for conscious processing .
12 Using specially designed pc based software for tracking the impact of different communications strategies , it becomes possible to progressively fine tune these strategies .
13 , Principal Inspector of Ancient Monuments , will give an illustrated talk , using specially commissioned slides seen for the first time , on the fascinating story of the oldest Royal Regalia in the British Isles .
14 The cost of the shuttle fleet , including specially designed locomotives , was estimated at £226m and a range of companies expressed interest following the release of detailed specifications in early 1988 .
15 It was the kind of ring you had to take off to wash , a kind of chased inlay of platinum and gold that Stephen had had specially made on Dadda 's advice .
16 ‘ Disco gear ; we have the most fantastic make-up and we dance along the catwalk to the most way-out music , which Roman has had specially composed . ’
17 Supporting literature includes specially commissioned guides to accessing and using each of the services
18 Thousands of giant clams specially bred for a project on reproduction are being moved to secret sites on the Great Barrier Reef due to overcrowding .
19 The information contained on the questionnaires was then copied to computer input forms specially designed for this purpose .
20 The most common method of cleaning tarnished silver-plated cutlery is to use specially formulated cleaning fluids in which the cutlery is immersed .
21 As writing skills become well established the need to use specially provided paper of this kind will diminish .
22 Traditionally , however , indoor bulbs are planted in shallow ceramic or plastic bowls without drainage holes , but it is not really necessary to use specially designed containers .
23 Flies , we can well imagine , must have had a hey-day in such an environment , and those attracted by the flesh and the dung of horses would have had to be whisked off Charles 's meat — perhaps by boys with birch whisks specially employed for the purpose .
24 Resistant to flood , fire and drought they can provide a continuous supply of food for huge assemblies of animals that have become specially adapted to feeding on them .
25 As the hon. Gentleman knows , the Metropolitan police launched such a campaign on9 December , which involves providing specially adapted bins near police stations where people can deposit knives .
26 Most RBs ( as Local Education Authorities — LEAs ) have introduced fee reductions for unemployed people attending their ‘ mainstream ’ programmes ; and some Departments have introduced specially targeted provision ( see next section below ) .
27 Mr Boutros-Ghali called on governments to keep specially trained units on stand-by , available to him in an emergency .
28 This referred to the cartridge-belt Leslie was having specially made at Andersons of Edinburgh .
29 If you feel specially stressed , you could go to relaxation classes , or ask your doctor to arrange counselling for you .
30 Both these makes also produce specially coated papers .
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