Example sentences of "[verb] [been] times " in BNC.

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1 Nearly four years have passed since The Satanic Verses was declared blasphemous by the late Ayatollah Khomeini , and during this long period of internal exile there must have been times when Rushdie , experiencing deep changes and wrenches in the soul , has wondered at the prescience of those words .
2 But Town take delight in proving people wrong … mind you they had to fight all the way against Wolves and there must have been times when they wondered whether they were going the right way …
3 There must have been times when their hearts were in their mouths , for it was not just an act of business long-sightedness , it was of some bravery !
4 Maxine confessed that there had been times when she had thought she might be going mad , so great was her horror of water .
5 There was a dawdle in its pace , and there had been times when it had halted completely , other times when it had slowed to a crawl .
6 He had kept his word — although she knew there had been times when he was sorely tempted to ask her the questions that must have played on his mind .
7 There had been times when Cadfael had both departed and returned by night , without passing the gatehouse , on urgent matters in which he found justification for absence .
8 Certainly there had been times when he had started to caress her and then , with a certain boyish sweetness , had turned lovemaking into conversation , letting the moment pass .
9 There had been times when she had thought she would never be able to put herself back together .
10 She was n't cruel enough to tell him that there had been times when she had almost wished he had .
11 She had been getting though the days — and nights — without too many problems , and there had been times when she had almost felt happy .
12 There had been times when , feeling guilty about her lack of response , she had tried for Paul 's sake to show some enthusiasm .
13 In the last twenty years there have been times when he would have done better to return to investment in land .
14 Though he survived and prospered , there have been times this season when the chances of Mr Stringer lasting as Norwich manager until FA Cup semi-final day seemed remote .
15 However , there have been times where he has no control at all and this is where he slips into panic .
16 Jill 's life revolves round them both , and there have been times when she has even had difficulty getting to the shops , let alone keeping up her own interests and going out in the evenings .
17 There have been times when I have been really frightened and could hardly sing .
18 Weighing under seven stone and standing just five feet two inches tall , there have been times when she was dwarfed by her fellow competitors .
19 There have been times when I felt that our family was disintegrating , and while I know that more than one in three marriages fails , that does not make watching your own children admit their unhappiness any easier for them or for you .
20 There have been times when the Church has persecuted even its own people who have held differing views .
21 There have been times when in order to maintain that kind of standard , you had to do things that have n't been particularly popular .
22 And sometimes since I have wished … ’ and here Minch dropped her voice low as if she was ashamed of what she was about to say , ‘ … well , there have been times when it seemed it might have been better if they had taken me .
23 ‘ No — but there have been times when I 've suspected you 'd like to pack your bag and jump into that red Toyota . ’
24 Key leadership positions in Chinese state administration are monopolized by party members , and there have been times when this applied despite the presence of better-qualified non-party personnel .
25 ‘ There have been times when I felt I was overlooked and that has left me desperately disappointed , ’ said the player who will tonight win his tenth cap .
26 Erm there have been times doing work which we have er , worked on together different jobs when I have thought , yes this is what I 'm here for .
27 So far , he 's collected a total of 25 locks and more than 100 keys , and while his family and friends are slightly bemused by his hobby , there have been times when it 's caused them a little more than amusement .
28 There have been times when horses have made me feel like I 'm talking Japanese backwards , which does n't do a lot for your confidence .
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