Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] failing " in BNC.

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1 A path of accommodation with the Soviet authorities was widely assessed as having ensured his rise through the Church hierarchy from 1949 ; as Patriarch he was criticized for failing to challenge the repressive state regulations governing church affairs and to defend persecuted believers .
2 More recently he was criticized for failing to exploit possibilities created by the improvement in church-state relations at the time of the Russian Orthodox millennium in 1988 [ see p. 36040 ] , although this was partly excused by commentators on the grounds of his serious ill health .
3 The House of Commons select committee on trade and industry published a report on the House of Fraser acquisition on May 23 , 1990 , in which the DTI was criticized for failing to exercise its role in the regulation and supervision of business .
4 On Dec. 3 Helmut Haussmann resigned as ( FDP ) Economics Minister , having been widely criticized for failing to give a lead on the economic aspects of unification .
5 Price was thought to have influenced the decision on April 21 by Guyana 's President Desmond Hoyte to appoint Rudolph Collins , a former ambassador to Venezuela , to chair the electoral commission , in place of Sir Harold Bollers , who had been strongly criticized for failing to assert the commission 's independence from the ruling People 's National Congress .
6 It was also criticized for failing to anticipate the catastrophe .
7 The main opposition party , however , the Sri Lanka Freedom Party ( SLFP ) led by Sirimavo Bandaranaike , was criticized for failing to build greater unity with the smaller Lanka Sama Samaja party ( LSSP ) , the Communist Party , the Nava Sama Samaja party ( NSSP ) and the Bahejana Nidahas Pakshaya ( BNP ) led by Mrs. Bandaranaike 's daughter Chandrika Kumaranatunge .
8 He had been criticized for failing to do enough to prevent a spate of serious attacks on foreign workers and asylum-seekers in the state , and had also been accused of working for the Stasi .
9 His predecessor , Anatoly Stroikin , was criticized for failing to prevent the taking of hostages on April 21 .
10 Also discussed in Minsk were the issue of a joint interstate television company ( the ex-Soviet Ostankino company being sharply criticized for failing to draft a charter , as had been agreed at the May Tashkent summit — see p. 38922 ) , transport , health , the environment and division of ex-Soviet property .
11 The first two were rewarded for their success and the third was punished for failing to exercise his stewardship in a proper manner .
12 Ministers are rebuked for failing to face House on rise
13 Hitcham , furthermore , which contained only seven taxpayers , was so insignificant a place it was surveyed jointly with Dorney , and we can readily imagine the constable becoming confused and forgetting to insert the name of the juvenile lord of the smaller township ; anyone subsequently checking the certificate could be forgiven for failing to realise that the first line referred to the lord of Dorney only .
14 McGrath , returning after being forgiven for failing to turn up for the Irish trek to Albania two weeks ago , rewarded Jack Charlton 's faith in him with a goal and a swagger as though he had never been away .
15 The older dog can usually compensate for failing eyesight or hearing through a highly developed sense of smell — it gradually learns to cope .
16 Men were often punished or dismissed for failing to remain alert while on duty .
17 Three-quarters of the workforce was sacked after failing to accept a management plan which involved a wages freeze and benefit cuts .
18 At the next meeting , the proposals were considered one by one , along with the views of the sub-committee ; every proposal was criticized and a highly critical sub-committee report was adopted nem. con. , with Sir Harry Samuel finally abstaining after failing to convince his colleagues of the rightness of the proposals .
19 Brawl The pot boiled over against Wales at Cardiff Arms Park that same year in a brawl of a game that resulted in bans for Gareth Chilcott , Graham Dawe , Wade Dooley and Hill , who was blamed for failing to exercise his captaincy correctly .
20 Civilian ministries were blamed for failing to ensure adequate supplies of food , for chronic shortages of every kind , for the endless queues .
21 School attendance officers were disliked for failing to take account of the need of some poor families for a child 's income .
22 When it came to electing a successor to the deposed Archbishop Fitzherbert at Richmond ( North Riding ) on 24 July 1147 , Bishop William opted for Henry Murdac [ q.v. ] , favourite of the Yorkshire reformers , against King Stephen 's candidate ; presumably it was Murdac who released him from the suspension he incurred for failing to attend the Council of Reims in March 1148 .
23 Admittedly , explaining their achievements is not part of Althusser 's project , and he might therefore be excused for failing to indicate the specific historical conjuncture from which Marxism arose .
24 At this , Grachev was attacked for failing to carry out reforms , allowing the spread of corruption in the army , and hiding statistics about crime .
25 The centre manager later resigned after failing to stop the case going to court where Ben was put on probation .
26 Jury discharged after failing to reach verdict
27 The jury in the Severn Bridge Gantry trial has been discharged after failing to reach a verdict .
28 She wondered again how many offences she had committed since failing to go to the police in Paris .
29 Constables know that all radio messages are taped and that the time they take to arrive at calls is recorded , which is often unnecessary , given the competition to beat other stations and colleagues by getting there first , although stories were told to us of instances where people were transferred for failing to respond to a call .
30 In particular , they have been censured for failing sufficiently to take into account the needs of local people .
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