Example sentences of "[noun] distinguishes between " in BNC.

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1 Durkheim distinguishes between simple , pre-industrial societies in which there is little division of labour ( sometimes referred to as Gemeinschaft societies ) and more advanced ( Gesellschaft ) societies in which people perform specialized jobs .
2 However , the NSPCC distinguishes between two main types of referral , primary and secondary cases .
3 D' India does so in ‘ Torna il sereno Zefiro ’ from his fifth book of Musiche ( 1623 ) ; and Berti distinguishes between recitative and arioso in ‘ Occhi miei tristi ’ from his Cantade et Arie ( 1624 ) , and between recitative and aria in ‘ Da grave incendio ’ in his second set ( 1627 ) .
4 English law distinguishes between the offences of murder and manslaughter , as we shall see , but the two crimes do have certain common elements .
5 The pre-April 1991 organization of the NHS distinguishes between DHA-run services and primary care .
6 Construction If the filling distinguishes between good and poor sleeping bags , the way they 're put together is the other main determining factor .
7 French criminal procedure distinguishes between crimes and délits .
8 The European eagle owl sample distinguishes between nest material from broken down and trampled pellets and bones extracted from intact pellets .
9 Doeringer distinguishes between three major divisions : a pragmatic approach in which theory plays little or no role although , as Eldridge ( 1975 , p. 7 ) has reminded us ‘ the pragmatists in emphasising the need for realistic solutions often carry a good deal of conceptual and theoretical baggage around with them ’ ; secondly , a Marxist approach , stressing class relations and conflict irreconcilability ; and , following Dunlop 's ( 1958 ) seminal work , the highly influential ‘ systems ’ model focusing on the rules of industrial relations and their determinants .
10 To answer this difficulty , Dr Tipler distinguishes between ‘ proper time ’ , as measured by clocks , and subjective time .
11 Mumford distinguishes between three levels of participation .
12 Stephen Spender divides writers into ‘ contemporaries ’ and ‘ moderns ’ ( 1962:555 ) ; Malcolm Bradbury distinguishes between the main current of fiction and peripheral but nevertheless important work by people like Samuel Beckett , Malcolm Lowry , William Golding , and Lawrence Durrell ( 1973 ) ; and Iris Murdoch draws a distinction between the ‘ journalistic ’ and the ‘ crystalline ’ which delineates similar categories .
13 Thus John Locke distinguishes between ‘ reflection ’ , the mind 's turning inward upon itself , and ‘ sensation ’ , the source of our ideas of external objects .
14 Marx distinguishes between simple reproduction and reproduction on an extending scale . ’
15 Chisholm distinguishes between comparative and non-comparative uses of the phrase ‘ appears white ’ ( Chisholm , 1977 , pp. 30 — 3 ) .
16 In an exquisitely penned introduction , Sister Wendy distinguishes between religious , spiritual and sacred art .
17 GC analysis distinguishes between solesterol ( plants ) and cholesterol ( animals ) to indicate whether a vessel has been used to prepare vegetables or meat .
18 Without entering into the substantive details of the agreement or of the 1990 convention for its application , which appears not yet to have entered into force , it may be noted that it sets out rules for crossing the signatory states ' frontiers not just for their own citizens but also for citizens of all EC Member States , and the Convention of Application distinguishes between treatment at the internal and external borders of the signatory states .
19 In order to clarify this Oakeshott distinguishes between two sorts of knowledge , which he calls technical and practical knowledge .
20 The LFS distinguishes between temporary workers who describe themselves as having " seasonal , temporary or casual jobs " and those with " jobs done under contract or for a fixed period of time " .
21 The OCEA project distinguishes between " satisfying " a criterion and " achieving " a criterion .
22 Manometry distinguishes between myopathy , neuropathy , and normal colonic function .
23 Gandhi distinguishes between speaking the truth and Truth .
24 The modified cyclodextrin distinguishes between ( - ) -ephedrine and the other three diastereoisomers so it is possible selectively to discern varying amounts of this isomer .
25 The Ordnance Survey distinguishes between basic scale maps ( at 1:1250 , 1:2500 and 1:10000 scales ) and derived scale maps ( 1:25000 , 1:50000 , 1:250000 and 1:625000 ) .
26 Schaar distinguishes between those fragments which possess " free semantic energy " , i.e. which are interpretable out of context , and those which possess " latent energy " , i.e. those that need contextual information in order to be processed .
27 The research design distinguishes between teachers ' perceptions of their formal obligations and constraints , both within the institution and more broadly within the education system , their self-imposed ‘ moral ’ responsibility and the extent to which they feel free to make their own decisions as autonomous professionals .
28 For example , French distinguishes between masculine and feminine gender in nouns such as fils/fille ( ‘ son ’ / ‘ daughter ’ ) and chat/chatte ( ‘ male cat ’ / ‘ female cat ’ ) .
29 Apted distinguishes between three types of browsing : general browsing , general purposive browsing and specific browsing .
30 Tillich distinguishes between the Buddhist concept of compassion on the one hand , and the Christian concept of love in the sense of agape on the other .
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