Example sentences of "[noun] decision making " in BNC.

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1 I am not persuaded either My Lords that the inclusion of nominated members with special skills will add very much to the police authorities decision making , bearing in mind the experience already there , which has been referred to earlier in this debate .
2 IES is an application of the so-called fuzzy process of computer decision making , which more closely mimics human reasoning .
3 My major concern about the Maastricht negotiations relates to the limited majority decision making envisaged for foreign policy .
4 If we go for a single currency because we wish to protect , above all , the position of the City of London — still the premier financial centre of Europe — and if we also concede ground on foreign policy , in terms of majority decision making , and on defence policy by creating effectively a defence community , and if we allow the Commission to issue visitors ' visas , we shall be on a slippery slope .
5 By exaggerating operating difficulties or temporary adverse market conditions , for instance , managers can shape board decision making , providing some leverage against the imposition of rigorous profit-maximising targets , or may attract funds for divisional growth to a greater extent than is justified by the profit potential .
6 But for all these criticisms there was still a serious and effective attempt to involve the best minds in the country in laying a foundation for curriculum decision making and to provide an instrument to ensure that detailed curriculum plans reflected this .
7 Richard Pike ( representing Accounting and Finance ) has already researched and published in the area of capital investment decision making .
8 By developing a better understanding of the processes of investment decision making the results will then , through direct intervention by the researchers or by teaching , enable organisations to improve their investment decisions .
9 Over the ensuing years a battle was waged between those who saw the discretion present in supplementary benefit decision making as a necessary part of a flexible response to human need ( Titmuss , 1971 ) and the burgeoning welfare rights movement , which demanded genuine legal rights to income maintenance with equality of access to decision-making guides and judicial appellate procedures .
10 When applied in a commercial or public sector decision making context , it typically consists of three elements : eliciting from the decision making body its view of the likelihood of different possible futures relevant to the project under decision : assessing its valuation of alternative ways of tackling the project for all of the possible futures envisaged : suggesting the most appropriate course of action in the light of the two previous steps , using explicit and theoretically justifiable evaluation procedures .
11 Angled at business applications of information technology , the course covers such relatively novel ideas as office automation , the human aspects of computing , computer aided design and the use of computers to aid in management decision making .
12 participative management decision making ;
13 This causes them to argue for a loosening of the legal duties that define the objectives of management decision making , which currently emphasise the maximisation of shareholder wealth , to enable a broader range of purposes to be pursued .
14 For the time being these issues will be held in suspense , and the following chapters will examine those aspects of company law which bear on management decision making on the assumption that their aim should be to promote profit maximisation subject only to external legal constraints .
15 Chapter 4 will show that the courts do , or at least could , play a part in controlling the quality of management decision making by laying down and enforcing appropriate standards of care and skill , but requiring judges to determine whether managers have complied with what are essentially procedural decision-making criteria is quite different from asking them to participate in the decision-making process itself .
16 Whether non-executives have any responsibility for company performance in general , arising from a duty to supervise the quality of management decision making , also awaits further litigation .
17 We now turn to the judicial supervision of the quality of top management decision making .
18 And even without the separation of ownership and control , business complexity and the ‘ organisational distance ’ of shareholders from managers make owner control over the quality of management decision making , if not over the quality of managers , a fiction , suggesting a need for alternative mechanisms for supervising managerial competence .
19 Even where the company is viewed as a purely private phenomenon , however , there is no justification for regarding the quality of management decision making as a matter that is ‘ private ’ in relation to the shareholders .
20 AEA 's experience in quantitative assessment methods , which has been effectively applied to safety management decision making , is now applied where the objective is environmental protection .
21 The first area is cost behaviour analysis : assumptions with respect to how costs vary with , for example , volume of activity , provide the basis for management decision making over a whole range of issues .
22 These studies will examine how management decision making processes with respect to technical change effect the experience of work , the role of management , and the organisation 's performance .
23 A study of management decision making , bargaining levels and trade union activity
24 We need to seek answers in the range of influences that guide migration decision making , particularly in those forces responsible for investment and thus employment , in changing residential preferences , and in the interaction between demographic change and the housing stock .
25 Proxy Decision Making
26 This is a case of proxy decision making , since it authorizes a named person to make treatment decisions on the patient 's behalf , once the patient is adjudged incompetent .
27 The draft had proposed what was a departure from the Luxembourg proposals of June 1991 in that , amongst many other matters , it firstly would have placed foreign , security and judicial matters within the single framework of the European Community decision making process , together with , secondly , vastly greater powers for the European Parliament .
28 developing immediate subordinates in skills and routine decision making so that the organization becomes self maintaining and flexible .
29 Assuming , on facts such as those in Bartlett , that the directors have sufficiently researched a project , it is not evident how a court could determine whether the expected profits justify the risks involved , and this is likely to be the case with respect to much business decision making .
30 Late in the nineteenth century Britain had begun to discover that an advanced industrial nation is vulnerable to alarming economic fluctuations , owing to the uncoordinated nature of much business decision making and the international complications of the trade cycle .
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