Example sentences of "[noun] teacher training " in BNC.

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1 He was educated at the village school in Buckland , and from 1862 at Culham Teacher Training College , near Oxford , gaining a first-class certificate there in 1864 .
2 Quite a few have gone on to postgraduate teacher training to teach in the secondary sector .
3 Since 1984 , all new teachers entering the profession in England and Wales must have a degree plus postgraduate teacher training if their first degree is not a BEd .
4 These will include conventional undergraduate and postgraduate teacher training courses , innovative courses , articled teacher schemes and programmes of training for licensed teachers .
5 It does not , for instance , impinge on the fifteen or so criteria for sound initial teacher training which come from the CATE in its guidance about the professional education of those who teach in schools .
6 When considering whether or not to apply for an Alexander teacher training course you should be aware of the following :
7 It is hard to believe that the success of a Medau Teacher Training Course ( and therefore our regional development ) should have to depend on the proceeds of a raffle , but that 's just how it was in the late '60s in MANCHESTER .
8 In 1964 she completed the Keep Fit Association 's teacher training course , which led on the Medau teacher training .
9 1985 was special for me — as one of the National Display Team I took part in the CCPR celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall , and later in that year I successfully completed the Medau Teacher Training Course .
10 It was agreed by both the DES and HMI that , since university teacher training represented excellence , they had nothing to fear , and other institutions could learn from the reports .
11 At present teacher training is urban orientated .
12 Hunterston footballers played their annual match against Barrow-in-Furness teacher training college … and again had to resort to a penalty shootout to declare a winner .
13 Elizabeth went to Francis Bacon Comprehensive then St Albans College of Further Education , passing 10 O-levels and three A-levels before being accepted at Bath Teacher Training College .
14 These included all four of the former English colleges of education ( technical ) , some of the extra-mural centres formerly attached to the colleges , and other institutions which were moving into further education teacher training for the first time .
15 The former have moved into this field partly because , with the publication of the Haycocks Report , the time was ripe , but also partly because in many cases , having absorbed colleges of education whose role in initial teacher training for schools has greatly diminished , they wished to redeploy the resources into further education teacher training .
16 During its final meetings in 1978 , the Further Education Sub-Committee of ACSTT considered the implications for the major centres of further education teacher training of the DES decision to phase out the Certificate of Education as a qualification for teaching in schools .
17 In the meantime , all four major further education teacher training centres in England — Huddersfield and Wolverhampton Polytechnics , Bolton Institute of Higher Education , and Garnett College have been developing proposals for pre-service courses leading to a BEd .
18 Aged 28 , Lesley claims not to be a natural competitor and in fact as a teenager dropped out of a PE teacher training course as she felt it made sport too serious and took the fun away .
19 They intend to improve CDT teacher training , and increase the number of craft workers in residence at schools .
20 Mrs Stowe was the wife of an ill-paid professor in an Ohio teacher training college and she shared the family 's abolitionist feelings .
21 The new pilot teacher training course combined with the City & Guilds 7307 Further and Adult Education Teacher 's Certificate , is to start on 6th October at .
22 There is an Introductory Workshop to be held in London on Saturday , 9th July ‘ 88 , so why not go and see for yourselves what Medau Teacher Training would involve .
23 By the mid-1980s , the rapid growth of secondary education induced the government to introduce a modified version of the Zintec programme for non-university secondary school teacher training , based in teacher training colleges round the country .
24 It recommended that the three Belfast teacher training colleges come together on a single site .
25 Figures from the Graduate Teacher Training Registry show that applications for places on teacher training courses for physics are , in 1989 , down by 25 per cent on 1988 , while the 1988 figures were down by 17 per cent on 1987 ( Times Educational Supplement 4 April 1989 ) .
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