Example sentences of "[noun] of achieving " in BNC.

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1 We will discuss some methods of achieving this in Chapter 10 .
2 Increasingly he resorted to the crudest measurements of progress and methods of achieving it .
3 Since the end of World War II the methods of achieving this end have changed .
4 Once each has had a turn , the group may spend a few minutes discussing possible methods of achieving any identified learning needs .
5 There are a number of specific methods of achieving this .
6 between support staff ( such as expecting SEN staff to focus on methods of achieving ‘ educational results ’ without also attending to the interactional emotional and behavioural context of learning failure , seen as the remit of pastoral care , counselling and the psychological services )
7 Alternative methods of achieving the same objective should be sought and the problem should not be allowed to rest until a satisfactory solution is found .
8 I would like to suggest that a rigid model of permanent placement and of methods of achieving it is no longer appropriate , given the much wider range of needs of children .
9 Team spirit rarely mattered much since dealers were paid commission on their own business and preferred to develop their own methods of achieving this .
10 His control is hardly visible because he rarely attempts to control his team 's methods of achieving their goals , trusting them to work within legal , financial and social constraints .
11 This case presents a situation in which the commitment for change was high at the top ; but the methods of achieving the change were confused at first , and not enough effort was expended to infuse the total organizational environment with commitment .
12 It is a fairly uncomplicated system that avoids any conflicts about objectives and the methods of achieving them , particularly when budget preparation follows a tight timetable .
13 Increasingly close scrutiny of discretionary expenditure and consideration given to alternative methods of achieving existing goals .
14 Surprisingly few methods of achieving this basic necessity have withstood the test of commercial success and today we need only seriously consider two types of stepping motor .
15 These goals , and the methods of achieving them , would not be the same for all pupils , and hence the criteria for judging success would need to cater for this .
16 It requested LEAs to prepare and submit to the Secretary of State plans for reorganising secondary education on comprehensive lines , and offered guidance as to methods of achieving this .
17 A task has high structure when the goal and the methods of achieving it are well understood and agreed upon — see Chapter 10 , Objective Setting .
18 Some methods of achieving this knowledge automatically are available but they are less reliable than methods based on field-work or the study of air photographs , maps and documentary records for the area concerned .
19 One of the major methods of achieving a regional economic bloc is to create a Customs Union ( CU ) .
20 Since 1987 , the MTFS has become more an official pronouncement of the growth path of M0 than a useful guide to the methods of achieving policy objectives .
21 Prof Chris Payne , HRI 's chief executive , said : ‘ The work is part of our twin goals of achieving environmentally sustainable horticultural production and adding value for the UK grower .
22 We are ready to accept liberal capitalism but with the ambition of achieving social , humanist goals .
23 We are ready to accept liberal capitalism but with the ambition of achieving social , humanist goals .
24 In other words , it conducts open-market operations in the bill market with the intention of achieving a particular interest rate rather than a particular supply of liquid assets .
25 Forced to acknowledge the impossibility of achieving perfection in both love and work , she is driven to self-destruction .
26 The second response to the endemic boredom , monotony and frequent cold , and to the impossibility of achieving the formally stated goals , was ‘ easing behaviour ’ …
27 Whether these ‘ difficulties ’ with the analogy — or the impossibility of achieving a transmission system capable of an indefinitely large number of channels — would force an advocate of ‘ electronic publishing ’ to change their positions is very doubtful .
28 ( None the less , it should be noted that a critical essay of Eliot 's was dismissed because it said " nothing new " three years later. ) 50 A. C. Ward , reviewing a book called The Trend of Modem Poetry in 1936 , notes the impossibility of achieving " neutrality in the face of the conflict between right and left groups in contemporary poetry " , and therefore applauds attempts to " bring the apparently isolated modernists into the main traditional stream of English poetry " .
29 Moreover , the impossibility of achieving scientific standards of objectivity increases the need for review .
30 The Gold Award is made to organisations in recognition of achieving either a consistently good or continuously improving performance over a 4 year period .
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