Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] repeat " in BNC.

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1 Gene 62 , encoding the 140k protein , lies in the left repeat bounding the short unique segment of the VZV genome ( Figure 1 ) ; an identical copy ( gene 71 ) lies in the opposite orientation in the terminal short repeat .
2 Repeat to the other side then repeat ‘ double lifts ’ 4 more times to each side .
3 Repeat on the other side then repeat again on both sides .
4 A few computers allow the programmer to create his own iterated instructions by providing an " iterated execute " or " repeat " instruction , which operates as follows : Execute the ( perhaps modified ) target instruction Update an index register or the execute modification field Conditionally repeat Again the conditional repeat is based on a count set up by the repeat instruction , or on the setting of a flag by the target instruction .
5 His feet wearily repeat the old pattern , dragging him round the dance floor in a last slow spin .
6 He demanded changes to the law so repeat offences could be taken into account when passing sentence .
7 Thus , if we have a binary operation " X " we could produce an " iterated X on addresses A and B " which would operate as follows : Perform X between store locations A and B Update the addresses A and B Conditionally repeat The updating of addresses A and B might take place in private registers within the processor hardware , or in program-accessible registers ( such as the index registers ) .
8 One patient had had a positive test before repeat fundoplication , but was now reflux free , and the test was positive in only two patients .
9 Some of these arguments substantially repeat earlier arguments about the relations between an artist and his patron , but others , within the expansion , diffusion and relative displacement of the artist 's social relations in this sense , are qualitatively new .
10 While it is not my intention to turn conventional theory on its head , it often happens that theories become accepted facts because people simply repeat them , without anyone ever questioning them .
11 Many fields now repeat their more popular modules in separate timetable slots and these students can not then be examined within the normal week 11 period .
12 One of the patients with normal test result at follow up had had erosive oesophagitis before repeat funcoplication , presumably with abnormal reflux ( not measured ) .
13 After an hour , boredom has set in : the quick learners are impatient with those who ca n't follow , while the older women mechanically repeat five or six words in succession after the others , without even looking at their books .
14 THE COOL DOWN Repeat every exercise you have practised today , excluding the aerobics , holding each position for just 2 counts .
15 THE COOL DOWN Repeat every exercise you have practised today ( except the aerobics ) just once .
16 THE COOL DOWN Repeat every exercise you have practised today ( except for the aerobics ) , holding each position for just 2 counts .
17 THE COOL DOWN Repeat every exercise you have practised today ( except for the aerobics ) , holding each position for just 2 counts .
18 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( except the aerobics ) just once , holding each position for 2 counts .
19 THE COOL DOWN Repeat every exercise you have practised today ( excluding the aerobics ) just once .
20 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( except the aerobics ) just once , holding each position for 2 counts .
21 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( excluding the aerobics ) , holding each position for just 2 counts .
22 THE COOL DOWN Repeat every exercise you have practised today ( except the aerobics ) just once .
23 THE COOL DOWN Repeat every exercise you have practised today ( except the aerobics ) just once .
24 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( excluding the aerobics ) , holding each position for just 2 counts .
25 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( except the aerobics ) , holding each position for just 2 counts .
26 THE COOL DOWN Repeat every exercise you have practised today ( excluding the aerobics ) , holding each position for just 2 counts .
27 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( except the aerobics ) just once , holding each position for 2 counts .
28 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( except the aerobics ) , holding each position for just 2 counts .
29 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( excluding the aerobics ) just once , holding each position for 2 counts .
30 THE COOL DOWN Repeat all today 's exercises ( excluding the aerobics ) just once , holding each position for 2 counts .
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