Example sentences of "[pn reflx] together " in BNC.

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1 As usual when we entered a church together , I dipped my finger in the holy water and gave you a drop from my fingertips , so that we could cross ourselves together , like a novio and novia .
2 ‘ We kept ourselves together and our spirits were extremely high .
3 In fact he confirmed it so strongly that we had pulled ourselves together for a few days .
4 We also found ourselves together in the middle of the LA riots — two days of mayhem without a cop in sight — so I guess that brought us closer together !
5 Many of us place more value on action , decisiveness and ‘ pulling ourselves together ’ than we do on contemplation and reflection in solitude .
6 Anyway , we pulled ourselves together and pretended to be pleased to see him , and then he drove us back to London like a maniac , keeping up a stream of gibberish which after a while I stopped listening to .
7 I 've forgotten the last time we really enjoyed ourselves together and sat down to a meal uninterrupted by telephone calls . ’
8 A ball of green wool was passed around and we used it to bind ourselves together as the singing continued .
9 Now some people have already been passed these by me while they were still getting ourselves together .
10 We may feel we are expected to ‘ pull ourselves together ’ too quickly — or we may be unable to react to the death at all , even by crying .
11 Let's pull ourselves together .
12 We 've just got to pull ourselves together and stick together and we can pull out of this .
13 well we 'd better pull ourselves together and see if we can put this right !
14 There is the clear command to join in fellowship with the Lord 's people and not to forsake our , the gi the assembling of ourselves together er , as some folk do , but to meet together with God 's people , to grow in his family .
15 One big American came out to do his act and I saw him blanch , and then visibly pull himself together before proceeding .
16 Then he pulled himself together and said , as they mounted the station steps under the concrete canopy : ‘ Now if we were cops inside the covers of a detective story , Mike , we 'd know for sure that Hatton was killed to stop Pertwee getting married today . ’
17 They had n't made university and the difference between their comfortable life style — houses on an executive estate , en suite bathrooms , artificial coal fires in what they called the lounge , working wives , a new car every two years and timeshares in Majorca — provided both with agreeable hours of self-satisfied comparisons which he knew would always end with the same conclusion , that he ought to pull himself together , that it was n't right , not after all the sacrifices Mum and Dad had made to send him to college , and a fine waste of money that had proved .
18 He pulled himself together with an effort and looked at his father .
19 It 's about time Joe pulled himself together .
20 He should pull himself together , buy himself a decent set of clothes and pop down to the Today ( sic ) for a shift in the showbusiness department .
21 But somehow Leconte pulled himself together to take the second set and the decider became a rout .
22 Manville pulled himself together with a mental jolt .
23 He turned away from the window abruptly , pulling himself together .
24 By the time he had rallied and got himself together and was thinking of things to say to the police it was too late and they were heading north .
25 Then he started to pull himself together , returned to Hollywood and stayed sober — except for Sundays , when he would lock himself away and drink like a fish .
26 Having heard the stories , the author decided to investigate them for himself together with a friend .
27 In fact , it was such a French farce that the Liverpool boss might end up saying ‘ Au revoir Grobbelaar ’ if his keeper does n't pull himself together this season .
28 One observer who met him in November of this year at Lady Colefax recollected that " he seemed to be holding himself together , almost as if he were a piece of riveted china " . "
29 Now he sat back , eyes closed , trying to pull himself together .
30 Unlike his brothers he did not seem able to get himself together ; wasted his time at university , married very young , came to London , did this job and that ; wrote a book that was noticed but made no money , then another , a jaunty and irreverent account of a journalist 's career in the provinces .
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