Example sentences of "[adj -er] discussion " in BNC.

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1 But it 's it 's such a broad issue , that any opportunity we do get , to have a a broader discussion , for more individuals to contribute their or have their say , you know again on a workshop or something , I would very much support that .
2 so I think in a way it would be quite nice to sit down with somebody from each of the colleges to hammer out the syllabus because Napier will see it from Napier 's point of view about what 's easiest for them to teach and what this and what the other whereas I suspect if you also sat down with and and people you might get a broader discussion base
3 He pleaded that the time had come for government bona fides to be accepted at face value and reiterated , emphatically , that the fact that all South Africans should have the vote was no longer a point that required further discussion .
4 This leads directly on to an issue which will only be noted here , leaving further discussion until the next chapter .
5 While there was a general recognition that the matter demanded further discussion , only Dalton urged support for the general thrust of Keynes 's paper .
6 After tea , the Press Council published — for further discussion — its 119-page self-reforming review , including a new code of practice .
7 After tea , the Press Council published — for further discussion — its 119-page self-reforming review , including a new code of practice .
8 This was probably deliberately added by the potter as sand temper , to ‘ open up ’ the clay fabric , allowing water vapour to escape so that the pot would be less liable to crack during firing ( see Chapter 2 for further discussion ) .
9 ‘ Your Mummy has gone away for a long time ’ usually only serves to leave the child frightened but feeling the anxiety of the adults all around which forbids further discussion .
10 Video film of meetings and the interchange of information provides a mobile and often vibrant record of peoples experiences , and when this is used as a stimulus to further discussion , the results can be dramatic .
11 The following principles are not elaborated in detail , they require considerable further discussion and study .
12 Similarly , the reference to reactions in organic solvents merited further discussion .
13 He is conscious of Marjorie 's watery blue eyes scanning him speculatively over the rim of her teacup , inviting further discussion of Sandra , but he ca n't face it , not this morning , not with a day 's work ahead of him .
14 In the attempt to combine the analysis of physical processes of soil erosion with that of human agricultural and pastoral practices , the expectations of natural and social scientists over the status and domain of proof tend to be irreconcilable ( for further discussion readers are referred to more detailed texts such as Winch 1958 ; Bernal 1969 ; Benton 1977 ; Gregory ( 1978 ) .
15 On Monday 2 March 1964 Mr Silcock welcomed Miss Margaret Medlow and Mr Kennedy McClatchey to the Leaders ' Meeting and some further discussion took place on the possibility of moving the Communion rail forward and bringing the choir in behind the rail .
16 Further discussion about AIDS and how it affects the individual is included in Chapter 15 dealing with the AL of expressing sexuality .
17 A set of questionnaires could be issued at this stage as the basis for further discussion and as a focus for reviewing and prioritising developments .
18 This led to further discussion over what constitutes success .
19 For further discussion on this see Personality on page 127 and Learning from experience on page 100 .
20 After further discussion it was agreed that , due to the complexities of the regulations surrounding financial transactions , and the obligation to make regular returns to the headquarters about financial matters , investigation of the FI category seemed to offer the most potential for improvement .
21 After further discussion , a similar exercise was carried out based on the RI category , with the results also indicating that most internal information storage and transfer needs were met within the EPH in an effective manner .
22 These examinations progressed from the work already undertaken , and further discussion with staff of both departments .
23 See section 4 below for further discussion of this .
24 He may feel that his doctor has prematurely terminated his assessment of his problems , thereby increasing his sense of helplessness and discouraging further discussion with the doctor .
25 Further discussion of this is made in the chapter on school library user education .
26 The first chapter reviews the evolution of mandibular , salivary and frontal gland methods of defence in termites ; further discussion of the ecological results of these behavioural adaptations would have been valuable .
27 Further discussion revealed that the speaker 's brief on the ‘ death and dying ’ subject was not specific to the expressed needs of care assistants .
28 Further discussion was truncated by the arrival of tea .
29 ( See Danby , The Simple Wordsworth , 79–88 , for further discussion of the poem . )
30 For further discussion see Peters 1967 , 1973 ; Widdowson 1983 , and with particular reference to language teaching , Larsen-Freeman 1983 .
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