Example sentences of "[Wh pn] call " in BNC.

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1 This , however , will not be tolerated even by those who call themselves the centre , and a major split will become unavoidable .
2 Of all the people who call themselves managers or are designated managers in Japan or the US , eighty-five per cent have a degree qualification .
3 The cause of the brave men and women who call themselves the Christian guerrillas is just .
4 Fashion : Women who call the shots Hilary Alexander clambers into the ‘ gun-emplacement ’ at the Paris collections and meets the female catwalk photographers .
5 First is the manufacturers ' close dependence both on their upstream suppliers ( being part of a vertically integrated chemical group is a competitive advantage ) and on their downstream customers who call the tune .
6 If you do have a door telephone entry system , do n't ‘ buzz open ’ the main door for strangers who call with a plausible excuse .
7 Men who can cling to overhanging rocks thousands of feet above their companions , men who climb into perilous situations in the knowledge they are inches from death , men who are strong enough and man enough to meet any physical challenge , these are the men who call for their mum when they find they left the jungle Formula back in the car .
8 We have accountants , and we have men who smell of industrial aftershave who call themselves our financial advisers .
9 There are three small boys who call on us from time to time , ‘ just visiting ’ , as they put it .
10 For the many foreign visitors who call at the Ponderosa each year it is often their first visit to an Irish pub , for local people it 's a chance to meet old friends , and make new ones .
11 Many of us have the idea of Australians , above all , being people who call a spade a spade .
12 Also blood , and menstrual cramps and the thought of labour pains and being stitched up and being woken in the night by a shitty damp bundle and having my tits tugged and bitten , and being mauled around by macho chauvinist piglings who call themselves obstetricians .
13 For those of us unable to attend the tournament , it was like the BBC equivalent of the oafs who call out those little ditties ‘ You 're the man ’ or ‘ Get in the hole ’ .
14 ‘ People who call themselves gay Christians ’ were undermining the gospel .
15 Christian Democrats and Fascists , Greens and Republicans , Progressives and Conservatives , there are aplenty , as well , certainly , as some who call themselves Socialists and others who gave up the perfectly respectable name of Communist and now shelter under a variety of weasel descriptions , usually featuring words like ‘ democratic ’ and ‘ left ’ in unconvincing proximity .
16 The students , who call themselves the EC Unwelcoming Committee shouted : ‘ Its your slump , we wo n't pay . ’
17 Financial adviser Peter Hargreaves of Hargreaves Lansdown has produced a guide to Gilts which he will send free to Assets readers who call 0272 741 309 .
18 The general level of pain and fear for all gay men who call is now higher and just below the surface , as many of them seek to come to terms with the virus and its effect on their lives .
19 Those who call for ‘ violent young thugs ’ to be locked up should understand a little more and condemn a little less , he says .
20 There are many people around who call a spade a spade , but who do so in such a rude , offensive way , that this kind of plain-speaking becomes something to be avoided .
21 And in fact , I would not want to suggest that feminist resistance — from guerilla raids on men who call us darling to all-out war waged on institutional bastions like the dictionary — is valueless .
22 Nedim boasts that he is afraid of nothing and says the Serb fighters who call themselves
23 His Edinburgh roots are freely attacked by the other members , who call the city 's fabulous medieval showpiece Spam Castle , claiming that the building cost Edinburgh so much that it could n't afford anything worth having .
24 But the men themselves , who call it ‘ the muppet shop ’ , remain unconvinced that it really has anything to offer .
25 In 1348 they demanded free trade in wool , and in 1351 achieved a definitive victory when the king agreed that the maltote should be granted only in parliament and that all merchants should be permitted to deal in wool ‘ without being restricted by those merchants who call themselves the king 's merchants ’ .
26 10.00am During the morning Liz orders non-perishable goods , like 1,000 individual milk portions , and also deals with reps who call in .
27 Too many airchair critics who call themselves journalists have attempted to label Oliver Stone a paranoid and battle-scarred Vietnam vet first and a movie-maker second .
28 Journalists who call to the farm to interview me do see us in that setting and describe it as they will but those really are only momentary glimpses into what must remain , fundamentally , my private life .
29 Hence , although the connections are not automatic and are not embraced by all who call themselves idealists , there is an affinity between Idealists , idealists and an interpretative approach , just as there is between Realists , realists and a scientific one .
30 A similar tradition exists among a sect of Syrian Christians , who call themselves ‘ Christians of St Thomas ’ .
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