Example sentences of "[been] lose " in BNC.

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1 The man of the world was not as interested as he should have been ; I had become quicker in some respects , mostly practical , but the price for this had been to lose the ability to make other connections .
2 I see how I 've been losing : all the while
3 Shops selling large electrical goods such as television sets , hi-fi and washing machines have been the first to suffer from the slowdown in spending , while large chains like Comet and Dixons have been losing market share to small independent shopkeepers .
4 But they too have been losing this battle .
5 To maintain motivation and strengthen will-power you can use simple , practical aids to monitor progress and highlight the changes that have happened while you have been losing weight .
6 Its applications include word processing , and it may eventually supersede Psion 's seven-year-old Organiser range of electronic notebooks , which has been losing momentum as the market for such gadgets has matured .
7 However , since 1970 the large cities and industrial towns in parts of South Wales have been losing rather than gaining people , as the traditional industries linked with mining and metal smelting have declined .
8 Computers would compete with manual labourers , but Western countries had been losing their jobs for years already ( as anyone knows who buys plimsolls in the supermarket and reads the label . )
9 Siobhan has been losing weight for two years .
10 But lately he has been losing rather too many important matches .
11 He 's obviously been losing sleep about it .
12 But religion had long been losing its power to shape and control behaviour and external forces had long sapped the traditional theocentric views of Europeans , even if it was only in 1882 that Nietzsche pronounced the notorious words : ‘ God is dead ’ .
13 This second year of decline followed eight years of modest growth ; but over the long term independent schools have been losing market share .
14 As its rival has acquired new functions , the Home Office , so long a repository for a bewildering assortment of responsibilities , has been losing them .
15 The conurbations had been losing population relative to the smaller ‘ free-standing ’ cities , and almost al the ‘ cores ’ of the metropolitan areas had experienced absolute or relative population shifts to their metropolitan rings .
16 But in the past few years , the insurance market has been losing money , and it has turned out that the resources of even the richest people are less than infinite .
17 Whereas Greater London had been losing 90 000 people a year at the beginning of the 1970s ( figure 8.3 ) , its population is estimated actually to have grown between 1983 and 1986 , reaching a level of 6.78 million in 1986 .
18 Cosmos has been losing market share and falls out of the top four companies in 1986 as British Air Tours takes over ( Table 11.3 ) .
19 Mike noticed a group of heavy gamblers , most of them Greek , move towards the baccarat room , where the Sultan of Rupolei had been losing for the last hour .
20 I am not a child to be frightened by a resolution of a board of directors , or to be soothed by the present of shares ( each carrying 10 liability ) in a company which has been losing money every year from its commencement , and which nothing short of a miracle could make pay a dividend as hitherto managed ; neither is my position in Scientific Circles here such as to render my retaining the editorship of any advantage to me — indeed , I am vain enough to think that I confer more than I receive .
21 If it is thought that the growers of any kind of grain in any part of the world have been losing money , and are likely to sow a smaller area for a future harvest ; it is argued that prices are likely to rise as soon as that harvest comes into sight , and its shortness is manifest to all .
22 ‘ Besides , ’ he added ill-advisedly , ‘ banks have been losing money hand over fist to the Third World . ’
23 The forest involved in the transaction had been losing substantial sums of money under Guyanese Government management .
24 Is he also aware that those industries have been losing 2,000 jobs per month in addition to the 60,000 jobs already lost and the 7 per cent .
25 For the first time in such talks the Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) , which in previous weeks had been losing ground to government forces throughout southern Sudan , was represented by two independent delegations : the so-called Torit group led by Col. John Garang , and a splinter group supporting Lam Akol , based at the town of Nasir [ for SPLA split see p. 38426 ] .
26 Kazakhstan was said to have been losing 150,000,000 roubles daily since May because of the difference between its fuel prices and those of Russia [ see also p. 38923 ] .
27 For the previous few years the soap factory had been losing business because of imports of synthetic detergents , mainly through Lever Bros , the local branch of Unilever .
28 ‘ I 've been losing quite a lot of weight since I came to Hochhauser .
29 We 've been losing sleep with worry since we were told about the arrests .
30 The company has been losing more than a million pounds a month and blames the collapse on cheap foreign imports and the recession .
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