Example sentences of "[been] hope " in BNC.

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1 The transition from Empire to Commonwealth was remarkably successful , but it did not strengthen Britain as had been hoped .
2 It had been hoped that the Budget could boost sales by about 70,000 , but manufacturers are now pinning hopes on an improvement on the traditional registration rush in August .
3 The modest resettlement programme in rural areas which aimed to improve the grossly inequitable distribution of land prevailing during the colonial period was less effective than had been hoped , and was cut back by the stabilization measures taken in 1982–84 .
4 Although it might have been hoped that local and central government would redirect main programmes to the benefit of the cities , there is little to suggest that this occurred .
5 The Data Protection Registrar , in publicising a closing date of May 1986 for the receipt of registrations , had no idea how many data users ought to be registering ; in the event the flow of registrations was far slower than had been hoped , but by the end of 1986 it was clear that the higher guesses were more likely to be right .
6 It had also been hoped that midfielder Michael Thomas would play this week but the former Arsenal midfielder has suffered a reaction to his Achilles problem and his comeback has been delayed .
7 It had been hoped that the bespectacled Bunter , legendary consumer of cream buns and pop at Greyfriars School for the last 84 years , would have his own cartoon series on TV .
8 It had been hoped to have the English version ready for publication by Easter this year but it had been delayed principally because of objections to the use ‘ inclusive language ’ .
9 It had been hoped that Dr Bamford and Dr Wolkind would contribute a chapter for this book but time constraints made this impossible .
10 Performance itself soon established norms which by 1950 were higher than had been hoped for in 1945 ; and then , as European recovery got underway , the standard became even more precise and , for Britain , more formidable .
11 It had been hoped that the Americans ' long-delayed decision to recognise the government might have obliged UNITA to co-operate .
12 In strict legal terms , the letter of the 1976 law was being followed in 1978 , but the Act had not produced the results in dampening down press publicity in the way that had been hoped .
13 It had apparently been hoped that the numbers of long-term patients suffering from dementia would diminish with the rundown of the asylums .
14 It had been hoped that the removal of exchange rate fluctuations between EC currencies would constitute the first stage toward monetary union , but the widespread acceptance of floating has made this aim more difficult to achieve , although the European Monetary System has had some success in this respect .
15 It had been hoped , they say , that China might emerge as the new ‘ workshop of Asia ’ but China is prostrate and the rest of Asia is weak … ’
16 In some schools , the library committee did not meet as frequently as it might have ; nor was it always as open and participatory as might have been hoped , and in at least one school the committee was subverted and eventually dissolved by senior staff .
17 The introduction of life peerages was partly designed to broaden the base of membership but it can be argued that life peers have not made as large a contribution to the work of the House as had been hoped .
18 At the start of the previous winter , whooper swans — flying south from Siberia — found , as had been hoped , the new stretch of water .
19 The enlargement of the EC had , quite simply , come at the worst possible time so far as global economic conditions were concerned , and did not bring the dynamic improvements that had been hoped for .
20 Furthermore , industrialization has rarely been the panacea for rural development that had been hoped .
21 No , Stephanie thought later , it had been no more and no less than could have been hoped : a reasonable coming together of people close to each other , not by choice , reluctant in many cases .
22 It seems also to have been hoped that detailed and embarrassing cross-examination of the complainant as to whether penetration had actually taken place would cease to be necessary with a reform of this kind .
23 It would seem , however , that the demand for gift delivery of hardback books at a charge of £4.99 ( plus the price of the book , of course ) was not as great as had been hoped .
24 The assistant finance officer with the Western Board — the first to been hoped the payroll personnel system would be operational in all boards by 1989 , so a three to four year delay has occurred .
25 It had been hoped that the centrepiece of the summit would be the initialling of a draft treaty reducing the superpowers ' arsenals of strategic nuclear weapons currently being negotiated at the START talks in Geneva [ see p. 37267 ] .
26 It had been hoped that an emphatic victory in New South Wales would lay the groundwork for a conservative victory at the next federal election , due by March 1993 .
27 It had been hoped that three good performances in the so-called US ‘ 93 Cup would give Mr Taylor and his team some much-needed breathing space .
28 The Fleadh ( pronounced Flah ) , which was launched in London 's Finsbury Park in 1990 , and has already spawned two related events in the United States , got off to a shaky start in Scotland last year , with a smaller attendance than had been hoped for and complaints about the shale surface on which it was held .
29 It had been hoped that the station would be reached at high speed by tunnel from east London , but getting to St Pancras from the Channel route would involve a tortuously slow route over a heavily congested suburban line .
30 It had been hoped to finish preparation work on it by last September but production did not start until the end of December .
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