Example sentences of "[modal v] happen " in BNC.

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1 This is what must happen when a ballet ends happily .
2 ’ Taff continued , dragging on his cigarette , ‘ … something must happen very soon .
3 This must happen to most dieters at some time or another .
4 What must happen , and rather quickly , is the privatisation of the economy .
5 It must happen all the time . ’
6 of what must happen
7 We assumed it was a practice for the invasion of Europe , which must happen sometime , and as such it was no doubt a valuable experience .
8 This must happen at the level of both ideas and organisation .
9 If we are to move towards transforming schools so that they deliver to young people a more appropriate and empowering kind of education than many of them currently receive , and if , as I have argued , this must happen with the committed participation of substantial numbers of teachers , then it follows that the promotion of integrity and self-respect amongst teachers is the most urgent challenge that education currently faces .
10 With Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT effort gathering steam , SunSoft 's director of business development and strategic planning , Michael Sears , believes a resolution of the desktop compatibility issue ‘ must happen in 1993 : it is doable in 9–12 months . ’
11 There is a certain doubt as to whether the universe is old enough for any Black Dwarfs to have been produced as yet , but eventually it must happen , and this will be the final fate of the Sun — though we will not be there to see ; the Earth can hardly expect to survive the Red Giant stage , when the Sun will radiate at least a hundred times as fiercely as it does at present .
12 Yet , the institution of the industrial co-operative commonwealth required that labour should take control of the means of production ; and for Owen , for whom the violence and destruction such as had attended the French Revolution were calamitous , the change to control by labour must happen peacefully .
13 Complaints about government appointments or policies could only be met by Law with the barren reply that the party could not expect total control and that in coalition such things must happen — which is just what the critics were saying too .
14 Change in itself is not enough ; it must happen with the acceptance and understanding of those who are most affected .
15 The assumption in the third comment may be that if a change occurs and you do n't see it happen , then it must happen when you are not there .
16 If it was going to happen , it must happen and then she would know what it was like to be kissed , which she did not know , now .
17 We all know it must happen
18 For the point is this : not that myth refers us back to some original event which has been fancifully transcribed as it passed through the collective memory ; but that it refers us forward to something that will happen , that must happen .
19 The message is that for true change to happen on earth it must happen in the hearts and minds of the population .
20 The argument postulated above is , however , dependent upon showing not just that this may happen , but that it must happen .
21 But something bad must happen to him too .
22 Everything must happen — just like that !
23 Anderson came here on a visit after tidying up his affairs before leaving for Britain He is free from bitterness , and speaks bluntly of the change of motive which must happen to white settlers in a country passing under black majority rule .
24 If she returned to the Hall and told her father what she had endured she would be forbidden to return — that was what must happen .
25 This must happen once in each Parliament , usually not later than thirty-six months after the last general election .
26 This must happen with regard to RE too .
27 what must happen before they can be complied with ?
28 Ultimately he believes that harmonisation of duty within the European Community must happen , but he is not sitting on the edge of his seat waiting for it : ‘ Politically we understand that uniform EC excise duty will not happen overnight , but alcohol is alcohol and we should be taxing alcohol volume and not the form that it comes in . ’
29 the thing is that something must happen to them by the time they reach the age of twenty three that makes us want to marry them .
30 Something should happen !
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