Example sentences of "[be] believed " in BNC.

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31 So it has been with other countries of immigration — the immigrants embraced a new nationality with , if the nationalist fictions are to be believed , unseemly eagerness .
32 Rodinal 's characteristics have to be seen and experienced to be believed .
33 However , ideology apart , there is considerable evidence of a degree of senior bureaucratic bungling and the suppression of scientific reports which would have been embarrassing to the senior members of the bureaucracy if Komarov ( 1981 ) as the chief informant is to be believed , along with other writers such as Cherenvisinov ( 1964 ) , Goldman ( 1972 ) or Kirby ( 1972 ) .
34 He 'd not be believed , and would just hurt the lad more .
35 The noise fifteen excited youngsters make has to be heard to be believed .
36 Leicester Square on a Sunday night has to be seen to be believed , and half the police are queer too ! ’
37 Smugglers , drug addicts and couriers were frequent travellers , and if all the stories are to be believed the train carried every spy from the notorious Mata Hari to the faceless agents of the cold war .
38 Norber 's giant mushrooms have to be seen to be believed .
39 If the gutterpress was to be believed , this election was about which leader was ‘ fit ’ to govern Britain .
40 He put on a brave face to Sunday Express readers : ‘ I hope it will be believed that the Arsenal can take a licking as well as any other club .
41 It is not unknown for barbel to pull a rod into the water with a speed and viciousness that has to be seen to be believed , even when the angler has only glanced away from his rod for a few seconds .
42 My dear mother 's optimism had to be heard to be believed .
43 They may indeed be believed by those who operate them to be essentially progressive in character .
44 After that it was on to the theatre for the evening show , then back to the Theatre Girls ' Club for , if they are to be believed , another meal of egg and chips .
45 This was before the Clean Air Act was passed and London smogs had to be breathed to be believed , but all the way up eastern England it was pretty bad .
46 The scientists provided the sound base from which Harold Wilson could talk about the white heat of the technological revolution in 1963 , and be believed , rightly , because it was no gimmick , but sincerely meant , and potentially a huge success .
47 That is , that the ‘ god ’ representing the fundamental origin of the religion does not really exist , and never has existed , ; at least not in the form required to be believed in .
48 Fully restored rooms include the office of the Clerk of the Course , a '30s billiard room and the all-pink Barbara Cartland Room , which has to be seen to be believed
49 The Bavarian folk material , upon which some of the music is based , is clearly in his blood , and the energy generated in the second section of the Cantata , where these dances abound , has to be heard to be believed .
50 Any remaining doubts about the industry 's ability to compete effectively with the tunnel may be dispelled if the results of recent research from the London Business School ( published in the journal Economic Policy ) are to be believed .
51 If this Maria Vincenti is to be believed , Greg survived .
52 Every feeling of humanity reverted from it and it would scarce be believed , in that age and kingdom of philanthropy , that such cruelties were exercised from man to man even for the mean , the paltry sum of eighteen pence .
53 If the photographs are to be believed , the water is azure blue and clear to the sea bottom .
54 From the outside it looked like a bank ( and with good reason , if Wayne was to be believed : ‘ That guy , ’ Wayne said , ‘ he 's raking it in ’ ) .
55 The silky-smooth animation has to be seen to be believed — each stroke is executed without a hint of jerkiness , and they 're so realistic you 'll think you 're watching Wimbledon ! ’
56 ‘ If Pinder is to be believed , it was missing at twelve-thirty , ’ said Sergeant Bird , taking a seat as quietly as a man of his bulk could manage .
57 That is , if she is to be believed .
58 ‘ So according to you , Gladys is not to be believed .
59 Simply a concurrence of events which one will inevitably encounter every now and then if the law of averages is to be believed .
60 The square tango had to be seen to be believed — eat your hearts out , disco dancers !
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