Example sentences of "[be] indeed " in BNC.

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1 I. , N. and R. It may be indeed that such doctors will be willing to say that they would give the very authority for mechanical intervention which the doctors who have so far given evidence did not support .
2 The example in ( 22 ) simply extends the scope of Quality by viewing truth as a special sub-case of sincerity applied to assertions ; when one asks a question , one may standardly be taken to be asking sincerely and hence to be indeed lacking and requiring the requested information .
3 He promised that implementation of EC environmental laws would be indeed be a priority of the UK 's tenure , but added : " We are still looking at whether ( the legislation ) would benefit from shedding weight . "
4 As we have stood enraptured on the mountain peaks , threaded our way through the bosky dells and trod for many a mile the vast moorlands , we have often felt it to be indeed a land of glory and beauty . ’
5 In the early 1990s there has been indeed a reverse transition to capitalism in the former communist countries of Eastern Europe , and the issues this process raises will need to be considered more fully later ( see Chapter 6 ) .
6 I think it must have been indeed .
7 My essential points are that ( 1 ) to judge from a variety of sources including pendulum marks , timings , metronome marks and evidence from automatic mechanical instruments , the minuet , like the waltz and many other dances , has gone through history at a variety of simultaneous paces , some of which have been indeed quite fast .
8 Could of been indeed .
9 ‘ I am indeed .
10 … and in the short space of time allocated to me I would like you to know that this is an occasion at which I am indeed proud — extremely proud — to be present .
11 But if I sympathize and help , or gloat and take opportunities to add to his difficulties , in neither case with any prospect of advantage to myself , you can be sure that I am indeed aware of how he feels .
12 Fie , that you should imagine otherwise ! ’ she said lightly , adding on a more serious note , ‘ During the past months , I learned to speak and act like the duchess your wife — but in these last days I have learned to think like her also ; to believe that I am indeed the lady Anne !
13 The last thing this scene needed was a non-participating spectator and I am indeed grateful for that privilege .
14 For I am indeed and as he spoke he changed into a young , handsome man
15 I am indeed .
16 My name 's John and I am indeed from Ahzelgrove local party in the Euro constituency of Greater Manchester East .
17 I am indeed Truro Daine .
18 ‘ I am indeed to marry Mrs Langham .
19 I am indeed minded to seek a vote on Third Reading at the end of what I hope will be a relatively brief debate .
20 When a robber 's voice responds to the calling of the dog 's name , " " Oui , voirement sui je ci " " , " Yes , I am indeed here " , the astonished dog 's owner sends his son for the priest to witness this marvel .
21 I am indeed a walking department of state .
22 I am , I am indeed , yes , yes , I I 've got to deal with it some way , somehow .
23 I am indeed .
24 I am indeed
25 I am indeed , sir , a surgeon to all when they are in great danger .
26 Oh I am indeed sir , a surgeon to hold they are in great danger
27 I am indeed sir , a surgeon .
28 I am indeed sir , a surgeon to .
29 I am indeed sir a surgeon to old shoes .
30 I am indeed sir a surgeon to old shoes .
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