Example sentences of "[conj] remain " in BNC.

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1 Klima 's stories breathe a delicate patriotism — which is not absent , either , from Kundera 's accounts of a country which is harder to inhabit , or remain in , or return to .
2 At Greenham Common , for example , it was declared a criminal offence to ‘ enter , pass through or over or remain in or over ’ the area of the base .
3 Other groups , such as single-parent families , the poor and the disabled , will gravitate to or remain in the cities , partially as a result of the relatively greater availability of rented accommodation .
4 If you go abroad to live , or remain outside the UK for three months or more , you can continue to receive the pension , but you may not get any increase when the pension goes up .
5 The reason , frequently given , and I shudder because I can remember advancing it myself on a history syllabus committee , is that since primary schooling is terminal for many children , they must cover the ground or remain forever ignorant .
6 To Bustin , paint is alive , like skin , ‘ it can be peeled back , or remain covered .
7 The light source is then only required to flash on ( for a 1 ) or remain off ( for a 0 ) and does not need to follow every smooth change in the analogue pattern of the information .
8 ‘ I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should , in a cowardly manner , become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonour . ’
9 It has been a year of controversy for Brady as the club has still to decide on whether to move to a new home at Cambuslang or remain at Celtic Park .
10 To Bustin , paint is alive , like skin , ‘ it can be peeled back , or remain covered .
11 Whatever their other differences , good middle-class reformers would not countenance such ideological backsliding or remain passive before fashionable aristocratic interventions .
12 At eleven a child might transfer to a grammar or central ( technical trade ) school or remain in a ‘ reorganised secondary school ’ .
13 Wishes can of course be fulfilled or remain unfulfilled and things may or may not be as people with certain attitudes would like , but it would be thoroughly misleading to speak of truth or falsehood here .
14 Again , there is the fact that a variety of signs which , whether or not they suggest weapons , huts or traps or remain enigmatic , can only be interpreted as symbolic in intent .
15 However , without a warrant , or unless other arrestable offences are involved ( e.g. fire arms ) , they have no right to search premises or remain on private premises without invitation once the breach of the peace has been dealt with .
16 Or remain to stare down the reflection of his own fear ?
17 Whether attitudes to this change or remain , two questions remain to be answered by embalmers , the potential cryogenic technician of the future .
18 A student having completed Music Making : Solo 1 may proceed to Solo 2 or remain at the same level , provided that the study employs different techniques : for example , voice and keyboard ; guitar and bass guitar ; violin and sitar .
19 Rates of volcanic activity through time are especially critical in determining whether intra-plate volcanoes formed in ocean basins ( as opposed to volcanoes associated with subduction zones ) will reach sea level to form a volcanic island , or remain submerged to form a seamount .
20 This sort of structure could be adapted to the situation where the departing shareholders of Target are willing to accept deferred consideration ( the debentures ) , the managers become or remain shareholders in Target and a venture capital partnership wishes to invest directly in Target .
21 Allowance should be made for the fact that these pupils are of an age where they mou , may either streak ahead of expectation to an enterprise or remain disinterested and static in their reception programmes .
22 To his credit , he had never engineered such postings and , in the early part of 1944 , he would rather have gone anywhere than remain in close proximity to Liza Tremayne .
23 If it is a view you are after , then better to go to the top of the Pic du Midi than remain down on the col , for from there the prospect has for long been famous , especially to the north over the plains and , on a good day , westward to the Atlantic .
24 Although broadcasters may feel that RDS is user-friendly the consumer-industry is only gradually responding to the growing dislike of over-complex and often confusing controls ; c.f. video recorders easily set to record the wrong programme on the wrong channel at the wrong time , and teletext units that remain under-used .
25 ( c ) The ruined huts are all that remain of the old crofting settlement of Borreraig , an extreme example of the eviction of crofting communities in the 19th century .
26 It falls to stifle creative enterprise , with the result that all that remain are dying echoes
27 Those that remain in villages are the survivors of a larger number of such groupings which were much reduced by the policy of enclosing open fields which was pursued during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
28 To protect those that remain , The Royal Society for Nature Conservation is running the British Wildlife appeal , chaired by Sir David Attenborough .
29 The Muslim organisations that remain outside the fold , such as Muhammadiyah , an NU group with modernist ideas , dare not dabble in politics .
30 The fragments that remain take the form of the ceremony of the Churching of Women after childbirth , that is , that after forty days of confinement , the woman goes to church for a ritual to mark her return to the community .
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