Example sentences of "[conj] think " in BNC.

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1 I hope people wo n't intrude or think he 's odd .
2 … the dimension of time has been shattered , we can not love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes off along its own trajectory and immediately disappears .
3 This chapter looks at how our personalities can experience ‘ more than we can ask or think ’ , as Paul the apostle once expressed it .
4 This is the absolute character of Christian joy , not in being supermen or women , but in receiving the gift of faith in Christ , who is able to do far above all that we can ask or think .
5 Force the other party to try hard to get your attention and let them know or think that they could lose out to someone else .
6 What other men might say or think was nothing to him ; his detachment would carry him far above earthly matters .
7 We might surrender to fear , which is when it will eat us completely , leaving us paralysed and unable to act or think clearly .
8 Whatever you can do or think you can , begin it .
9 Whatever you can do or think you can , begin it .
10 Without this information , the speechreader may appear to interrupt rudely or think that something is going on that he is missing .
11 Although few of us would expect an Eskimo to react or think in the same way as we do , we are nevertheless continually guilty of the same foolish assumption in regard to nationalities closer to home .
12 They draw creatures towards them and if they shine on you , you ca n't see or think which way to go .
13 He ca n't behave or think or speak or do anything else better than I can — nearly as well as I can — so he 's going to be the Old Man of the Sea until I shake him off somehow .
14 She is first to admit she would be an extremely difficult patient if she could not read or think .
15 But damn it to hell , I 've never been able to see clearly or think straight where you 're concerned — certainly not since you came to Taipei , and maybe not even six years ago either .
16 Moreover , they have no hesitation in stressing the point that builders do not operate or think in terms familiar to planners ; instead they look to ‘ market signals ’ .
17 And you know , as we come and submit ourselves to God , and as we look back , whether it 's back on a day , on a week , on a month , on year , on a lifetime , he has given to us far , far more than we could ever have asked or expected from him ! , as the apostle said , he is able to do abundantly above all that we can ask or think !
18 He could neither move nor think , as if all power had at a stroke been cut off from both body and brain .
19 Yet , rather than think out new and just ways of distributing the riches to which we have all fallen heir , it uses those riches as the basis for deadly quarrels .
20 Rather than think , oh well , there 's a couple of people , group running it , that 's near enough and it 's good enough .
21 It can do anything except think .
22 Got out paper and pencil to try and think through the implications of what he had just seen , then gave up and started off home .
23 The generation that rediscovered the existential was precisely the one best fitted to look and think ‘ within ’ , which is not unrealism , but a different form of realism — and one unavoidable to such as Leonard , given the horrors inflicted on his own people by the most ‘ culturally advanced ’ nation of the day .
24 Yet , have n't we tried to teach and think in non-racial history ?
25 Like , you get teachers who join the police ; they 're not good policemen to me , they do n't eat and think like policemen .
26 After a hour of simpering sycophancy from the presenter , the Prince took the viewer into his garden , where he said he loved to sit and think and talk to his plants .
27 It was pleasant to lie and think of other Februaries and see himself abroad at dusk in the fields under a chilling rain , standing in a cart hunched up against the storm , bending and rising and bending again to toss turnips to the streaming cattle , listening to their soft thud in the mud and the straining of the horse as his hooves sucked and sank , the cattle lowing plaintively and the sharp crunch of their scooping teeth .
28 Let me try and think of an example that is n't confidential .
29 First , a lot of rich foundations are ready to pay good money to people to sit and think .
30 Locke aroused considerable controversy with his suggestion that ‘ since we know not wherein thinking consists ’ , it may be , for all we know , that nothing more than matter is necessary for thought , and that God might have ‘ given to some systems of matter fitly disposed , a power to perceive and think ’ .
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