Example sentences of "[conj] idea " in BNC.

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1 The term could also be used to describe the gap between the practice of solving problems , and the somewhat academic exercise of systems thinking , where ideas can be generated about desirable changes that , in light of subsequent investigation , can not be realised fully in the real-world .
2 Chapter 7 gives some advice about creating a school climate within which it is the people who are bitter and negative who are on the back foot , and where ideas and adventures can prosper .
3 These meetings , in his opinion , are starting to assume the status of an industry forum , where ideas on such issues as what direction the industry should take are exchanged and discussed .
4 Community care plans are often bedevilled by too many people from too many organizations spending too much time in endless meetings where no decisions get taken and where ideas and enthusiasm become diluted and , eventually , dissipated into thin air .
5 In Russia too , where ideas of linear formation had never taken such deep root as in the West , attack in column became , in the hands of generals such as Suvorov , a weapon capable of achieving great results .
6 Many sites find it useful to have an ‘ R&D ’ LIFESPAN , where ideas on configuration control structures , user hierarchies etc. , can be tested out before implementation in the live LIFESPAN Process .
7 In some cases it can be difficult or even impossible to find texts again ( for example if the text is a lecture , or a television programme ) , but you should still keep details of them as fully as possible , so that your reader knows exactly where ideas or words come from .
8 It is far better to like and admire something that is wrong , or to like and admire for the wrong reason , provided we do so sincerely , than to follow slavishly the dictates or ideas of some other person .
9 The central point of the book is a reflection of a non-technical ‘ wider ecumenism ’ , ‘ a juxtapositioning of mental shapes or ideas through which the poet had learned to look at life , his own and that reflected by others . ’
10 There may be some justification for the ( insular ) suspicion that when the Emperor is restocking his wardrobe he usually shops in Paris ; but the rashionability or ideas does not or itself constitute an honest argument against them ; indeed , to offer this as one 's main response is to betray intellectual bankruptcy .
11 They do show that primary qualities , as we experience them , are on an equal footing with secondary qualities , and are simply perceptions or ideas in the mind .
12 However , without the attendance of a senior member of the family and his appreciation of the value of the training , the younger members might not be able to put their training to best use or to introduce new techniques or ideas on to the farm .
13 Indeed , the team was so anxious to give recognition at last to the importance of the content of any particular drama , that it seems almost to be reinforcing the dualistic assumption that drama is about attitudes or ideas in the children 's heads to be explored and then expressed through the medium .
14 Visiting friends can be a great help for this , and you can ask them to come prepared with items to read to the patient , or ideas to discuss .
15 complex facts or ideas must be communicated simply and there is a risk that the written word will fail in this
16 A distinction may be observed between ‘ style ’ in books of imaginative literature , and ‘ style ’ in works where the main purpose is the efficient communication of facts or ideas .
17 Some parents attribute incorrect or erroneous motives , desires or ideas to their children .
18 Select a feasible idea or ideas .
19 Any electronic drawing system that allows the designer to sketch , visualise and change plans or ideas may be said to offer CAD .
20 It is also held that freedom of expression is applicable not only to information or ideas favourably received but also to those that ‘ offend , shock or disturb either the State or any sector of the population ’ .
21 They also prove the frightening fact that its mainland-based active service units have no shortage of munitions or ideas to wrong-foot the authorities .
22 Bill is the contact person for the magazine and as such is keen to receive any suggestions , advice or ideas relating to future articles .
23 Instead he seeks to expound the agnostic attitude , which refuses to consider concepts or ideas about God — however inspiring and beneficial — in place of the ineffable reality of God himself and tries to interpret traditional Christian beliefs and morality in the light of this mystical discipline .
24 It leads to SOLVING PROBLEMS If you listen long enough you will find things or ideas that you share .
25 Roughly , linguistic communication consists in the production of some external , publicly observable , acoustic phenomenon whose phonetic and syntactic structure encodes a speaker 's inner , private thoughts or ideas and the decoding of the phonetic and syntactic structure exhibited in such a physical phenomenon by other speakers in the form of an inner private experience of the same thoughts or ideas .
26 Roughly , linguistic communication consists in the production of some external , publicly observable , acoustic phenomenon whose phonetic and syntactic structure encodes a speaker 's inner , private thoughts or ideas and the decoding of the phonetic and syntactic structure exhibited in such a physical phenomenon by other speakers in the form of an inner private experience of the same thoughts or ideas .
27 The structure of sentences , the use of repetition , the linking ( or not ) of thoughts or ideas , the variety of words used and the grammatical structure of sentences yield yet more clues .
28 In relation to history , for example , he argues that history is a world of thought or ideas and not a world of fact since nothing is simply ‘ given ’ .
30 Ideology in this context may be defined as ‘ a set of closely related beliefs or ideas , or even attitudes characteristic of a group or community ’ .
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