Example sentences of "[adv] paid " in BNC.

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1 Ottomar de Souza Pinto , a governor of Roraima state , which will lose 45 per cent of its territory to the park , has personally paid bail for the gold-miners jailed under Operation Free Jungle .
2 Protestants who should have known better paid tribute to the Antichrist , the spiritual leader of the disloyal Catholics .
3 In the Nonconformists ' laissez faire way of life , ministers were frequently moving about , usually to a more advantageous and better paid position .
4 They were better educated and better paid .
5 Over the medium term , however , the new Teachers ' Pay Review Body is likely to make teaching markedly better paid — nearly half of all secondary school teachers now earn more than £20,000 a year — which will take much wind out of the NUT 's sails .
6 Deep down , however , and reading his own comments about always having to fight for employment and never being superbly successful , one ca n't help feeling he actually yearned for the stability that steady and better paid work would bring .
7 Moreover the situation is likely to remain insecure , since in the longer term nationals of the Gulf countries will be preferred for better paid employment .
8 Plumber — more women are taking on what used to be traditionally male jobs , mainly because they are better paid .
9 She switched from singing to comedy because it was better paid .
10 The supply of domestic staff in Britain had dwindled after the First World War , when former servants found better paid employment for fewer hours ' work in offices and factories .
11 The properties farmed by tenants or owners in the United Kingdom and some parts of west Germany also used wage labour , but it was better paid , better housed , technically more skilled , and less of it was needed .
12 Workforces in small firms are generally non-unionized , lower paid and more vulnerable to unemployment , whilst workers in large corporations are highly unionized , better paid and less routinely vulnerable to job losses .
13 Domestic service was a commonplace of life before the First World War , even among the better paid working-class households .
14 But such efforts touched few and generally better paid workers .
15 This was partly because few labouring families even among the better paid could afford double contributions and in such families the needs of the man took priority .
16 Only in Lancashire were there flourishing women 's societies , since Lancashire had better paid and more regular work for women , in the textile factories , than any other part of the country .
17 Miners today work with advanced coal-cutting machinery and hydraulic props , they 're safer and they 're better paid .
18 " I 'm looking for something better paid , " the driver said .
19 In the sample as a whole , it could be argued , there was a tendency for the brides to be marrying husbands either with white-collar jobs , or in trades slightly better paid than their fathers .
20 You 'll probably be better paid , and have a better time of it . ’
21 This scheme provided for a mixed system of public and private pensions , with many of the better paid and more secure groups of workers able to ‘ contract out ’ into private schemes so long as they were at least as good as the State Earnings Related Pensions Scheme ( SERPS ) .
22 It 's better paid , is all . ’
23 One simple example generalises life-style in terms of four categories , thus : i ) upwardly mobile , ambitious : seeking a better and more affluent life-style , principally through better paid and more interesting work , and a higher material standard of living .
24 The wives of better paid working class men played their part in the creation of a culture of respectability by the pride they took in their homes .
25 Other work was less messy , easier and sometimes better paid .
26 By 1845 Thomas was clearly more versatile , putting far more time in at the mine , performing better paid tasks such as kibble filling , and waggoning from the Deep Level to the dressing floors .
27 Was it better paid whe in private nursing than in midwifery ?
28 If a low-ranking muderris wanted to change over to the career of kasabat kadi , moreover , he was immediately better paid : a provision of the Kanunname states that if a 20-akce muderris in the were to become a kadi , he was to be given a 45-akce kadilik .
29 This report examined the particular needs and problems of one-parent families ( one in ten of families with children by 1971 ) , and many of its recommendations had educational implications : expansion of day care and nursery provision , encouragement of pregnant schoolgirls to continue their education , radical changes in the secondary school curriculum and in the careers guidance offered to girls to enable them to compete equally for better paid , traditionally male jobs , greater home-school contacts with more support from guidance staff for children known to be in one-parent families .
30 more patients are treated , there are far more doctors and nurses , and they are far better paid , and treatments that were rare in 1979 are now commonplace .
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