Example sentences of "[pron] being " in BNC.

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1 Then I knew he was writing poetry alone , without me , and that hurt me to the depths of my being .
2 As I became more and more obsessed by him , and as he absorbed more and more of my being , all else seemed to start retreating into a permanent , one-dimensional background , against which only he and I stood out as more than stick figures .
3 The backs of my legs were trembling at that time , but this was probably as much due to the cold as to the feeling of betrayal that had invaded my being .
4 Instinct alone brought me back to alertness , a warning pulse from the innermost guardian of my being .
5 The ground of my being , the cornerstone of my art , is here on Møn , pre-dating the destruction of what I loved and those whom I loved .
6 Like Thoreau , I am bewildered by whit caused this joy in my being .
7 The tape could say , using the runner 's own voice : ‘ This time , when I arrive at 500 metres before the end , new vigour and strength will enter into my being .
8 I feel new strength , vigour and energy entering my being , flowing through me like rivers of light .
9 Every fibre of my being is revitalized through this life energy .
10 My being is released from its confines by the overpowering perfume , the glossy greens of the new-born leaves , the fragrance of new life .
11 She would then speak as if talking to herself , but what she said was aimed at me and usually struck to the core of my being , so that I was stunned into silence …
12 Later , I asked myself whether in my extremity I , the helpless , had been seeking , as the hymn said , the help of God , and that in the act of seeking it , I had been granted it ( he who seeks God , said Pascal , has already found him ) ; or whether this spontaneous welling-up of emotion from the depths of my being was no more than the expression of a statement to myself .
13 I felt the spiritual strength that had deserted me flowing back as a warm glow that welled up inside , filling my being .
14 Reaching out , I ca n't even burst through the paper bag that envelops my being .
15 It seems to me in conclusion important Right a wee bit of background will help the assembly understand my being here .
16 ‘ I was thinking about what you were saying , ’ I told her , while memories of Nour flooded my being so that I felt I could n't bear it but must instantly take that gleaming knife and open my body to let him out .
17 And hidden the roots of your power in my knowledge , my being .
18 ‘ I knew , the moment I put the phone down from making that call to England , that not only did I love you with every breath of my being , but there was no way that I could take your being married to anyone but me . ’
19 and he is n't in my opinion really considering half the other jobs , but he has said that he wants that and by the mercy of providence this business of Lee being flung out by Andy and being put back onto the into the job centre coincides with my being very tight on money .
20 The awful thing is that the movies that I 've been involved with in the last erm few years have entailed my being abroad a great deal , and I was made in New York entirely and I was there for six or seven months , and the difficulty is that when you then make the movie and you take it round the world , you 're away for another three or four months and so you end up being out of the country for quite a long time , so I 've been nothing like as active with the university .
21 Its being and every moving
22 Ramsey cried to the Church to be itself ; to know that its being rests upon a death and an empty tomb ; and to be itself whether modern Britain will listen or close its ears .
23 Because the parts of our bodies already have their own natural motion , there is a reaction to the motion produced from outside ; and from ‘ the reaction … a phantasm or idea hath its being ’ .
24 A pain 's having a certain location , says Ryle , is like its being , say , a rheumatic pain , and ‘ pains do not arrive already hall-marked ‘ rheumatic ’ ’ .
25 The economic world in which the family has its being is not just the market , for it is also affected by state allocation of the benefits and burdens of citizenship according to its own criteria .
26 The UBC was never more than a small minority of the parliamentary party , with a general attendance of about forty , and its influence was more a result of its being first in the field of opposition , than of its numbers or its members " economic power .
27 In keeping with a dominant impulse within inter-war English studies , he concludes that " Literature constitutes a body of knowledge to be studied in and for itself without regard to any educational value it may have … [ since ] its being is its own justification . "
28 These form what he calls ‘ the conditioning factors within which the gang lives , moves and has its being ’ .
29 In chapter thirty Hilton 's analysis of the process of reformation of feeling comes to a climax as he brings together the implications of his analysis and imagery in a synthesis embodying his full sense of the process of contemplative life as lived discovery of the meaning of the Incarnation.The experience of the darkness reveals to the soul its essence which is that its being does not inhere in the dimensions of time : " for soule is no body bot a lif vnseable " ( 30.102r. – 252 ) and has its own mode of knowing that is not entirely dependent on bodily senses or imagination .
30 Table 6.1 suggests a way of drawing attention to what the spiritual dimension is , without giving the misleading impression of its being some kind of object .
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