Example sentences of "[pron] all " in BNC.

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1 The landlady told her he would drive them all round the twist , he was born to chase a bob without success , and he left queer books lying around .
2 Since she had been secretary to a bishop ( she learnt to type by trial and error ) , and also chauffeur to a bishop ( she learnt to drive by trial and error ) , she knew a lot of the clergy and their wives and had visited them all over the diocese , often in the black-out , and sat with the wives while the husbands talked to Bishop Owen , so she was good at remembering about them and their children and found the wives of the clergy to be fun .
3 When I finish putting them all round the bed , it looks real nice .
4 Marie says it 's to keep the noise in , but I do n't reckon it works too well , cos you can hear them all over the house when they practise .
5 Read it in our way and we shall merely be , as Lewis says in the preface to The Discarded Image , like ‘ travellers who carry their resolute Englishry with them all over the Continent , mix only with other English tourists , enjoy all they see for its ‘ quaintness ’ and have no wish to realise what those ways of life , those churches , those vineyards mean to the natives ’ .
6 At 19 these young people — and hundreds like them all over the country — are likely to be going home and staying there .
7 Naturally he could n't answer them all himself , so Post Office staff lent a hand and every kid who wrote to him got a reply , postmarked Reindeerland or Santaland .
8 Here , in the seemingly endless expanse of clear blue , hundreds of fish hung strangely suspended in the water , the nets that held them all but invisible . ’
9 WHEN it comes to mounting a defence against hostile bidders , big German companies can tap an influential old-boy network which , together with legal takeover barriers , can make them all but impregnable .
10 He 'd got them all right .
11 I told them all not to worry , I would go on working with you as soon as you were conscious and we would see our way together to a solution of the whole case . ’
12 Evelyn looked across at Rose sitting in the midst of them all but managing somehow to remain completely apart .
13 But 24 hours earlier , a flock of shrieking paparazzi had tailed them all over London ; because 40-year-old Mrs Koons , nee Ilona Staller , is the former Italian parliamentarian and porn star Cicciolina ( variously translated as ‘ the dumpling ’ , ‘ the plump one ’ and ‘ little pinchable one ’ ) , while her husband is the most talked-about artist since Andy Warhol .
14 ‘ We 're doing everything we can to be positive , to look to the future , and to be realistic about the present , ’ said that chirpy fatuity , Neil Kinnock , on the News ‘ 92 phone-in , perhaps the most dementing phone-in of them all ( Radio 1 , daily at 6.30 pm ) .
15 His Poems , think them all not worth a Straw .
16 The beat-card counts them all as Bartholomew Close .
17 In a way this makes them all the more impressive .
18 They act with vigour , sing with great effect , and the small , but rather loud orchestra , sweep them all along .
19 I shall take your Christmas pudding with me , and the box of dates too , and I shall tell them all how you came this morning with presents and decorations and then found the mistletoe for me !
20 We drew them all too soon That
21 The chemicals that make up living things are all based on chains of carbon atoms , with hydrogen atoms attached to them all along the chain — such molecules are known as hydrocarbons .
22 But instead of attempting to place any one of them in opposition to the others as the key feature , it integrates them all as being the expressions of the basic contradiction of capitalism , that is , the striving continually to expand production , and in particular the production of surplus-value , as opposed to the relatively restricted consuming power of the population .
23 My charm wins them all over in the end .
24 Diniz Vasquez was not visible in the shouting throng of people with sacks , boxes and baskets that crowded the inner yard of the fort of Famagusta , although Nicholas scanned them all as he was led across it .
25 ‘ I 'm not a great one for carting them all around the country , so Will only contests about a dozen competitions a year ’ .
26 1 Peel the pears and rub them all over with the cut side of the lemon .
27 I bang on them , drag them all over the place , throw them around ! ’
28 He remembered them all right .
29 The feeling of being in the centre of things , of constant activity , of being in charge not only of a vehicle but its VIP occupant — or occupants — and the different venues to and from which she transported them all over southern England , appealed enormously to her restless nature and craving for excitement .
30 Obviously , this last stage should n't involve too much repetition : if you 've already identified the reasons why this is the best course of action you do n't have to repeat them all over again .
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