Example sentences of "[pron] rise " in BNC.

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1 Unable to move , Rachaela watched them rise and fall together , their bodies mounted on a black wild horse of pleasure , galloping .
2 His blue eyes dropped suddenly to probe the hollow between her breasts , watching them rise and fall .
3 We took off into the last of the evening sun in poor visibility and I do not recall seeing any of the aircraft that took-off in front of me rise in the evening murk , I was too busy putting the nose down and squeezing a bit more speed out of the lumbering Whitley as we cleared the boundary .
4 I got my rise and could n't the last one .
5 Oils continued their rise in the wake of the firm crude price .
6 All those sublime thoughts , which tower above the clouds , and reach as high as Heaven itself , take their rise and footing here : in all that great extent wherein the mind wanders , in those remote speculations it may seem to be elevated with , it stirs not one jot beyond those ideas , which Sense or Reflection , have offered .
7 Their rise during the Industrial Revolution was expressed in capital accumulation ; the status of the aristocracy still derived from birth and ownership of land .
8 Much of their success lies in their skills in social manipulation whereby their rise is assisted by partners whose status and mating success likewise improves .
9 Their rise was not , however , one of simple and progressive increase in variety .
10 Yet , running through them , the still more ancient river Indus had existed for millions of years before their rise .
11 The piece captures the band at a crucial moment in their rise to the status of phenomenon .
12 Jailed gangsters Reggie and Ronnie Kray were reputed to have earned £250,000 for the film about their rise and fall .
13 ‘ We go to Wembley where Denmark began their rise to fame .
14 In an attempt to counter their rise , NME became more and more lifestyle-oriented , dabbling in fashion and ideology to an ever-greater extent and carrying on a crusade for black music with a barely disguised contempt for mainstream rock .
15 As Tumbleweed , their rise on the Sydney pub circuit has been meteoric .
16 In the first part of this investigation of cordless power tools Jeremy Broun examines their rise in popularity and some of the recent developments .
17 He told her of the coming to Ireland of her Norman ancestors , the de la Houssaies , and of their rise to power in Corcaguiney .
18 Their places were taken by ‘ new men ’ who owed their rise entirely to Nkrumah , Tawia Adamafio , formerly Busia 's lieutenant , and Coffie Crabbe among them .
19 As a result , in the course of their rise through the party hierarchy , even Bolsheviks of working-class origin became intellectuals .
20 When the Toronto-based journalist Leo Heaps wrote a book detailing the secrets of their rise to power , pressure from the brothers helped ensue it never appeared .
21 Her breasts were taut against his palms and he could feel their rise and fall as her breathing quickened .
22 BUT EVEN allowing for their rise in public stature , Leeds ' artful loons are wary of any form of bandwagon jumping .
23 This was followed by the start of their rise to prominence as agricultural engineers .
24 Both inflation and unemployment were expected to rise in 1991 , and real wages possibly to reverse their rise of recent years , as sanctions continued against Iraq , the labour force continued its rapid growth rate , and government investment and public consumption slowed in response to budget consolidation measures .
25 BUT EVEN allowing for their rise in public stature , Leeds ' artful loons are wary of any form of bandwagon jumping .
26 He believes that things are as they seem to Dr Serafin ; that he is putting up proposals which are as sound as his judgement and experience can make them , that he is withdrawing them in deference to Serafin 's objections , and that he will be forced to formulate alternative proposals which can not be known to him yet because they will take their rise from views Serafin has still not expressed .
27 The speed of her rise to fame has been astonishingly rapid .
28 Her rise had always been anticipated and when Mr Major secured the premiership her political career was more or less clinched .
29 Emma Thompson will continue her rise in Remains of the Day and Much Ado About Nothing .
30 In WOW ! 2 , the cartoons presenting the new functions feature Pandora and her rise to fame as a pop star .
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