Example sentences of "[prep] bed " in BNC.

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1 I was wearing my watch when I went tae bed . ’
2 Marcus leaps out of bed and starts to play Victorian hymns on the little portable organ he has in his bedroom .
3 But the sun tugged her out of bed the next day and there was the butterfly , still fluttering .
4 Cameron got out of bed and dressed , feeling unreal .
5 ‘ Are you getting me out of bed at this hour to talk to me about my brother ? ’ she demanded .
6 ‘ Aids ’ are available to help people pull themselves out of bed , or to put on stockings .
7 On many a winter morning I jumped out of bed and put a letter of his in the fire , feeling it would be wrong to allow it to survive ; and when some years ago I was asked by a distinguished man of letters if I could help him to write an account of Maurice
8 HEALTH authorities look to be at risk of another round of bed closures , service cuts and deferred developments this winter , despite the fact that the year 's financial settlement for the NHS originally looked generous .
9 The option of a room at the five-star Grand Hotel was turned down in favour of bed and breakfast in St George 's Terrace .
10 She and a student nurse were lifting a six-foot patient out of bed .
11 As you 'd expect on the Isle of Wight there 's an endless list of bed and breakfasts .
12 She turned the light on and got out of bed .
13 She lumbered out of bed , reached for the too recently removed dressing-gown and took herself off to her bathroom .
14 ‘ Then , before I could stop her she got my father out of bed and told him the whole thing .
15 So I get out of bed and stick some clothes on .
16 • If you wake up early , do n't get out of bed but relax instead and ‘ snooze ’ .
17 Corporal T , the REME technician , is dragged out of bed to repair a minor fault on the Wheelbarrow .
18 Charles could see at first-hand the tension that was building up in the vast depressing wastelands of the inner cities , where young people had no work , no ambition , no feeling of belonging , no pride in their surroundings — nothing , in fact , to get out of bed for in the mornings .
19 It was quiet when Vincent slipped out of bed .
20 ‘ Some warts are cancerous , ’ Arty said , laying the mirror aside and getting out of bed .
21 As soon as she had gone Phil was out of bed again and , with a half-fearful look at Arty , put on his dressing gown and sauntered out to spread the news .
22 She had him out of bed , touching his toes , bending and swaying with outstretched arms , leaning this way and that , rotating his hips , raising and lowering his shoulders , until his mind was numbed and he obeyed her commands like a robot .
23 ‘ Now , if you 'll hop out of bed and slip on your dressing gown , we 'll start . ’
24 When he had gone , Arty , smiling to himself at what he considered a victory , got out of bed and set off for the bathroom to wash his hair .
25 For those of us who are spared having to wear a uniform to work , the notion of getting out of bed and putting on exactly the same clothes , every day , is simply too boring to contemplate .
26 ‘ I suddenly got out of bed half naked .
27 ‘ The use of bed and breakfast is still hovering close to record levels , ’ says Pawson , ‘ It is only through the boom in short-term leasing that boroughs have been able to avoid further increases in hotel placements . ’
28 You can give the bedroom its total co-ordinated look by flat , fitted and valance sheets , cushions and bolsters , choosing from the wide range of bed dressings available , the superb selection of window dressings , wall-coverings and light fittings .
29 With such a wide range of bed dressings available today it is possible to choose a sleeping system most suitable for your personal requirements and allows you to experiment with new looks and styles in the bedroom .
30 He always did it for a while and then just let it ride to see what happened , but all of a sudden ( it 's amazing — I 've seen it happen several times ) he gets out of bed one morning and says , ‘ Right , I 'm going to do something about it — it 's not moving fast enough for me ’ .
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