Example sentences of "[prep] sort " in BNC.

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1 And er of course , one felt a little more a little happier after sort of meeting someone you know because it 's quite and I was very shy at that at that time .
2 yeah right well you know any time after sort of six , six thirty you should be able to catch me then
3 Well , I think that there is an argument of sorts for saying that a computer of the kind described does not have a theory of the external world , does not have mental states which refer , and does not therefore have thoughts in any significant sense .
4 Clearly , out of sorts with himself in the wet and windy conditions which he hated , he smashed his racquet on the ground on no less than eight occasions .
5 Sanchez-Vicario gambled on power , played for the lines and left her opponents , particularly the vastly experienced but hopelessly out of sorts Pam Shriver and the Puerto Rican , Gigi Fernandez , floundering .
6 The upshot of it all is that Major-General Holomisa has made Transkei a haven of sorts , a thorn in Pretoria 's side , for the ANC .
7 As no rugby country has won at Parc des Princes since England did so in 1982 ( remember Colin Smart and the after-shave ? ) , this result was a revolution of sorts — which was fitting as the match and its prolonged preliminaries were designed to mark the bicentenary of the French Revolution .
8 Patrick Edgeworth 's Boswell For The Defence has a plot of sorts — the barrister 's defence of Mary Broad , an escapee from the penal colony at Sydney Cove — but , in the end , the form defeats any narrative thrust .
9 By 1978 Britain , under Labour , was still in the EEC , the government had an incomes policy of sorts and had curbed the growth of public expenditure , and private education remained .
10 With the canal bank out of sorts , Tony Hanson ran a match on his club 's water at Redhill Lock on the Soar .
11 Bruce Springsteen : Songs about relationships , growing older and social issues sat alongside primitive rock'n'roll revelry * U2 'S BONO : From adolescent to messiah ; MICHAEL JACKSON : Curtain call ( of sorts ) during a visit to London ; BOB GELDOF : Live Aid mastermind ; MADONNA : Durable as Bette Davis ? .
12 For the 20 years between the 1967 war and the start of the intifada there was coexistence of sorts between Arabs and Jews , even if , in the words of Moshe Dayan , it was the uneasy coexistence of a rider and his horse .
13 For the 20 years between the 1967 war and the start of the intifada there was coexistence of sorts between Arabs and Jews , even if , in the words of Moshe Dayan , it was the uneasy coexistence of a rider and his horse .
14 ‘ X-Ray Of A Girl ( Passing Gas ) ’ , is a love song of sorts , an excremental vision worthy of Swift ( recalling his ‘ O !
15 This time , the Third World has a lever of sorts in its willingness , or unwillingness , to co-operate , but one of limited value since co-operation in drawing up a climate convention is ultimately as much in the interests of the poor nations as it is in those of the rich .
16 Boycott led the way with 86 and everyone made a contribution of sorts , but soon after lunch on the final day they were 290 for 6 and defeat was still possible .
17 Still , there had been unity of sorts .
18 The trial had been supposed to provide a dramatic climax of sorts .
19 Reagan 's testimony was indeed a dramatic summation of sorts , and the most bizarre of all .
20 In 1874 Beecher 's career received a setback of sorts when a newspaper editor with whom he had worked sued him for alienating his wife 's affections .
21 Chelsea2 West Ham1 WEST HAM 's seventh defeat in their last nine League matches marked a turning point of sorts .
22 He 's a pied piper of sorts , being somewhat successful in drawing young people to the hate movement .
23 The world has changed of course : European currencies no longer fluctuate against each other and Russia and South Africa — two great producing areas — have found a political stability of sorts .
24 Six years later the Catalogus Plantarum listed forty three roses and stressed the importance of growing them informally because ‘ being intermix't with flowering trees and shrubs in small wilderness quarters [ they ] afford the most agreeable prospect of any of the Flowering Trees and the great variety of Sorts do continue flowering at least three months .
25 This chapter is therefore an invitation of sorts — an invitation to pause before plunging into the specific issues that follow and to consider some of the broader questions about the nature of education management .
26 After that he could pursue Miss LaMotte , who now had an identity of sorts , through the Catalogue , like any other dead soul .
27 On this occasion , in fact , a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder ; a reply to the effect that those of our profession , although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites , did actually see more of England than most , placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered .
28 It drops into Lochan an Sgoir over steep cliffs and a path of sorts zig zags its way in tandem , until you reach a rounded ridge between two scrumptious corries .
29 Réné Caillié , the first European to reach Timbuktu was inspired by reading Robinson Crusoe , a travel book of sorts .
30 Anyway , we became friends of sorts .
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