Example sentences of "[verb] to prove " in BNC.

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1 The attacks , all using an explosive base of fertiliser rather than Semtex , seem designed to prove the IRA 's ability to infiltrate even the most protected areas .
2 That might seem like the wackiest of wacky ideas but it becomes ever more fascinating as it is explored in a barrage of speculation , invective and anecdotes , all designed to prove that money , in a practical rather than puritanical sense , is the root of all evil .
3 There will be serious dangers , however , if the information that is set out in performance tables is clouded by footnotes and qualifications , which sometimes are advocated because they are designed to prove that whatever the differences between examination performances there is no such thing as a good school or a bad school .
4 Their entire case has been designed to prove that Hitler was some kind of freak event that had no links with the German past .
5 The other element of group violence is of course , if there are a group of people throwing bricks at the police , or chanting or swearing at people wanting to go to work from a picket line , the law , the criminal law is designed to prove guilt against an individual for an individual 's conduct according to the preordained laws , whether they be statute law or common law .
6 He wants to prove that he is a new man — but still one of the greatest football talents in the world .
7 She wants to prove him wrong so she can slap me down .
8 He 's innocent and wants to prove it .
9 This has considerable practical importance , since this is all that the prosecution has to prove in order to obtain a verdict of guilty of murder .
10 Lisa B says again and again that she knows as a model going into music she has to prove herself .
11 The prosecutor merely has to prove the technical offence of walking on grass .
12 She has to prove that she is equal to a man in any and every sphere . ’
13 Often a widower has to prove that he was dependent on his wife before he can receive benefit .
14 If a boy has to prove himself a man by his performance , then a girl has to prove herself a woman by her attractiveness , her desirability .
15 If a boy has to prove himself a man by his performance , then a girl has to prove herself a woman by her attractiveness , her desirability .
16 ‘ Frank has to prove himself by really beating someone in the top ten .
17 However , it has still to be spelt out , for instance , whether and how an applicant has to prove that an object was legally and lawfully located in or dispatched from a country .
18 Without readers , no newspaper can survive ; with sufficient readers , and willing advertisers , the chances of survival are greater but the medium still has to prove itself .
19 It has to prove , for instance , that the task is a simple recompile .
20 The essential differences are ( 1 ) the shift in the burden of proof : in defamation the defendant has to prove that the defamatory words were true ; in malicious falsehood the plaintiff must prove that the words are false .
21 ( 2 ) In an action for malicious falsehood the plaintiff has to prove malice as part of his cause of action ; this is not so in the case of defamation. ( 3 ) Damage is not presumed in the case of malicious falsehood as it is in libel .
22 If the landlord of an Assured Shorthold Tenant wants possession of the premises he only has to prove to the Court the following three things :
23 The whole is complicated by the fact that , by virtue of section 6(3) , the prosecutor has to prove a degree of mens rea that was probably not a requirement of the previous law .
24 From the consumer 's point of view , there is a considerable drawback to an action in negligence ; he has to prove that the manufacturer ( or one or more of his employees ) was negligent .
25 Agnew knows that he has to prove to manager Kenny Dalglish not only that he can make a comeback but also that he can do his stuff at the highest level .
26 Under that section , the prosecution has to prove mens rea in respect of ’ knowing ’ , whereas , under section 22 , the handling provision , it has to prove a case in respect of ’ knowing or believing ’ .
27 Under that section , the prosecution has to prove mens rea in respect of ’ knowing ’ , whereas , under section 22 , the handling provision , it has to prove a case in respect of ’ knowing or believing ’ .
28 The defendant has to prove that he was not in , or in the immediate vicinity of , a car rather than the prosecution having to prove that he was .
29 The BG-BASE system has to prove itself by being actively promoted to its target users .
30 What have we come to in this country when a man has to prove his innocence against some fluid , movable charge ? "
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