Example sentences of "[noun] headquarters " in BNC.

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1 In 1934 Lord Trenchard , the Metropolitan Police Commissioner , had written to the Home Secretary complaining that the BUF had passed false information with regard to a communist plot to attack the Holloway branch and an alleged IFL plan to attack the Chelsea headquarters , and suggested that this mischievous nonsense would best be dealt with by outlawing the fascist movement .
2 But as the BUF acquired a Chelsea headquarters where activists lived as soldiers in barracks , and a Blackshirt uniform was issued to remove the distinction of class and wealth , there emerged a political ideal to which he could give his complete loyalty .
3 Black House , as the Chelsea headquarters in the King 's Road became known , had uniformed sentries at its doors , for all the world as if the private army was ready for the great coup .
4 He was accompanied by a number of Blackshirts from his Chelsea headquarters , by Joyce , and by Captain Budd who was a town and county councillor .
5 Bernard Mullan , one of the Fascists who had come down from the Chelsea headquarters , was under arrest .
6 Er I , I was a messenger for a time for the er , we lived in Lane and I was a messenger for a time with the erm A R P headquarters in Drive , now when my uncle got married and he had two children and I 'd , they were issuing gas masks and I had to go down and fetch a gas mask for his daughter and they were great big ones that used to envelope the whole babies with a bellows on the side that the mothers used to have to pump when they were in them , thank goodness we never had to use them and erm
7 In a symbolic gesture of the KGB 's demise , the statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky , first head of the Cheka ( forerunner of the KGB ) , in front of its Moscow headquarters ( the Lubyanka ) was torn down on Aug. 22 .
8 He pressured Max Radl at Abwehr headquarters to plan it all behind the Admiral 's back .
9 Joint chairman Alastair Morton is due to make an investment presentation at the Victoria headquarters of Salomon Brothers this morning .
10 The Ercoupe/Aircoupe , call it what you like , is a simple , safe , sturdy and economical little two-seater that flies nicely , wo n't break the bank to buy or operate , and could , with a bit of arm-twisting at CAA and PFA headquarters , go on to a Permit to Fly — especially the older versions .
11 The system came into operation last week at Cleveland County Council 's Middlesbrough headquarters .
12 Ransacking of old Stasi headquarters
13 Outside the old Stasi headquarters in the Lichtenberg district of East Berlin demonstrators stormed and ransacked the building and were only persuaded to stop after Modrow and New Forum round table delegates broke off their meeting and appealed for calm at the scene itself .
14 The Stasi headquarters in Berlin were reoccupied on Sept. 4 by New Forum supporters demanding that individuals be given access to their files ( which were said to have been held on 4,000,000 East Germans and 2,000,000 West Germans ) .
15 He 'd been to Wewelsburg on several occasions , had even inspected the castle 's plans at SD headquarters , so knew it well .
16 You report to General Walter Schellenberg at SD Headquarters in Berlin . ’
17 Descriptions of offices , studios and wind tunnels , and an account of getting lost in Luton on the way to Vauxhall headquarters because of roadworks on the M1 , are no substitute .
18 It transpired that nothing dramatic had happened since they had left : tests on pairs of scissors at TVL headquarters were getting under way and Hugh Parnham , the third candidate for the Inside Out presenter 's job , had phoned from Scotland to say he would be back in London the next day for an interview .
19 There are one or two clerks , er that have male , purely because it 's , it 's their job anyway , and er the chief clerk headquarters is a male but the majority of them now are women yep , and they do well er , headquarters staff do it very well I think , that side of it .
20 Staff at the BICC wiring division headquarters on Merseyside crossed their divide when Riley recommended casual clothing for a discussion day he had arranged in the Lune Valley .
21 Staff at the BICC wiring division headquarters on Merseyside crossed their divide when Riley recommended casual clothing for a discussion day he had arranged in the Lune Valley .
22 Monsanto Chemical has relocated its resin division headquarters from St Louis , US , to Brussels , Belgium .
23 If in doubt on any matter please refer to the Police Officers in attendance and by guided by them OR contact Lothian & Borders Police , ‘ B ’ Division Headquarters , 14 St. Leonard 's
24 Anyone who has forgotten this should call Essex Fire and Rescue A Division headquarters on ( 0206 ) 574255 .
25 For the fourth time of asking , what will be the impact on 15 Para of the change from battalion to company status , where will the battallion headquarters be , why is it being taken out of Scotland , and , at a time when the Secretary of State says that flexibility and mobility are the key attributes of Britain 's Army , why are we making major reductions in a force which is the most flexible and mobile in the British Army ?
26 Witnesses said clashes erupted after several thousand ringed the Interior Ministry headquarters in Kishinyov , protesting against the detention of about 20 fellow nationalists who disrupted a 1917 anniversary parade on Tuesday .
27 After the deluge that decided the first battle of Ypres , King-Emperor George V arrived at the St Omer Headquarters of the British Expeditionary Force in Northern France , and went away again .
28 Solly Zuckerman and J. D. Bernal were roped into Combined Operations Headquarters ( COHQ ) by Lord Louis Mountbatten , along with that lateral thinker Geoffrey Pyke ( New Scientist , 30 July 1981 , p 302 ) , the inventor of the giant iceberg ship Habbakuk and many other projects which did not quite come to fruition .
29 Only one more raid was mounted in 1940 and that in July , when Lieutenant-General Alan Bourne of the Royal Marines was temporarily running Combined Operations Headquarters ( the name used throughout this book for the directorate , although in fact having some variations of title ) before Keyes 's appointment .
30 Courtney 's canoeists with ten Folbots ( see diagram p. 25 ) were the first of what became the Special Boat Section , formed after their leader had given a practical demonstration of the canoe 's military potential , a potential doubted by even the adventurous characters in Combined Operations headquarters until Courtney paddled out one summer night in 1940 to a carrier ship moored in the Clyde .
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