Example sentences of "[noun] fallen " in BNC.

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1 So she 's had summer holiday plans fallen through .
2 Farmer Colin points out that this selfless operation is always carried out with a complete lack of regard for personal safety and reminds the committee that Josh has several times fallen off his load just outside the King 's Head .
3 ‘ Hi , ’ William says , tossing back some blond hair fallen over his forehead .
4 He has one hand over Andy 's face , clamped tight ; his head is turned away from me , red hair fallen down over one ear .
5 A battered pewter cup stood on the table and , at the other end , in a chair facing an ash-filled fire grate , sat a lady , head forward , shoulders hunched , her veil fallen over her face .
6 In the corner of the dark kitchen sat the child , crooning to herself , eating dried crusts of mud and dung fallen from people 's boots as they tramped in and out .
7 Philippa Gregory Fallen Skies 26th July , £14.99 P.o.s. : Display bins and posters Author tour : south of England and appearances at the Edinburgh and Dartington Festivals Media coverage : national media interviews including radio and television
8 One Lubavitch rabbi in Stoke Newington organises gifts and loans — often running into thousands of pounds — for congregants fallen on hard times .
9 At Plowden was a road bridge built of transverse timbers with gaps in between ; it was here , on one of our journeys , that we sighted a cow with all four legs fallen through the gaps and its horns waving over the line ; Cadwallader ( the guard ) had had to pull it by the horns with main force while the station master sat on its head and Whitaker slowly drew the coaches past .
10 When the sun slides across the sky from right to left and the new moon faces the wrong way you are ready to bet the stripes of the rainbow are inside out , yet curiously unprepared to find the Plough fallen from its high point in the heavens and collapsed face down on the night horizon .
11 Not snow fallen on peaks alone , but the image of Christ as on Saint Veronica 's cloth , the dark eyes and the crown of thorns scorched and scarred on its folds and pleats .
12 ‘ Randolph , has some snow fallen on your nose ? ’
13 The Lord Owen was taken at a disadvantage , surprised in the open , hunted like a hart , and his horse fallen lame .
14 He still had his biro gripped in his right hand and he was fiddling with it tensely , his brown , slightly almond-slitted eyes fallen to the table , unable to meet the directness of Ward 's gaze .
15 Then , gripping it , he passed through the rustle of the reed jalousie hanging in the doorway into the small interior , where Sycorax lay on her side , collapsed on the beaten earth like a child 's poppet made from plaited grass , with Ariel on her haunches beside her , head sunk on her knees , a fan fallen to the ground beside her .
16 She walked through , then stopped dead , her mouth fallen open in surprise .
17 Ebert stood there , his mouth fallen open again .
18 The heavy Roman-emperor head with thinnish iron-grey hair brushed forward , the nose , broad and fleshy , and the mouth fallen in for lack of teeth , was not a comely picture .
19 So why has the performance of manufacturing industry fallen so dangerously low ?
20 There 's a little girl fallen over on the ice .
21 Nothing of the walls or vaulting remained intact , but we found the substructures to be choked with debris fallen from above , including several more pieces of the poem and various richly carved capitals , cornices , and piers .
22 Not only had £250,000 worth of equipment fallen off the back of a submarine , but the torpedo firing system and the periscope were out of commission as well !
23 Whitney and Hughes both took four wickets , and all 10 wickets fell to catches , as in the Australian first innings : only once previously ( WI v India , Bridgetown , 1982–83 ) have the first 20 wickets in a Test fallen to catches , and the eventual 33 catches in this match was a new Test record ( as was the fact that no-one was bowled — a first for a completed Test ) .
24 A rough scramble alongside leads up into the upper reaches of the beck ; here is an untidy tumble of boulders fallen from the enclosing heights but there is one gem where , just above the waterfall , the stream slides smoothly over an immense slab of naked limestone .
25 NO sooner has the curtain fallen on Winton Players ' production of Arsenic and Old Lace than plans are already underway for their next production to be staged at the Festival Hall , Petersfield , in October .
26 My companions start talking in Arabic again and I have the depressing sense of being a hick tourist fallen among real travellers .
27 We give to certain proper charities , of course — the Invalid Asylum , which is for respectable females , and the Female Refuge , which is for penitent fallen women , and the Yorkshire Boys ’ School in London , and the Railway Servants ' Orphanage .
28 By that time , as Adam said , you would actually have been shocked if the temperature had dropped or a shower of rain fallen .
29 ‘ That it appears to this Committee that the conduct of the Secretary has been highly culpable in inspecting and exposing the contents of papers of a private nature belonging to the professor which had by accident fallen into his ( the Secretary 's ) hands .
30 As well as two albums with the Black Family , she also forms part of the Dublin-based a cappella band Fallen Angels , and is now in great demand following the success of the debut album from Arcady , ‘ After the Ball ’ .
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