Example sentences of "[noun] sort " in BNC.

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1 Er , I do n't physically have to type out the labels , but I have physically have to be in the office , to initiate the computer sorts , because under something called personal job insurance scheme , I 've layered the sort of routine under a lot of security codes and I 'm only , the only person who knows where they are .
2 Do you know that bit in that er Top Gun where he , where they hit them air brakes sort of thing and the plane was going like that ?
3 He would pass off an Angela Brickell sort of scandal with a laugh . ’
4 Because of all the bad press that miners got and in a sense Quix was responding from higher up probably by saying you know well take the b they took the box away in fact at the end of the miner 's strike and then when this strike came along they thought it would n't you know the the they that was their rule sort of thing .
5 You need a more versatile design , more a boat sort of thing , for British conditions .
6 I thought it was a towing bar for that , but it 's another boat sort of down in the in the se se harbour .
7 Erm maybe the the composition , having the boat sort of , the bow of the boat just hidden behind there is perhaps er not be better .
8 Erm we 'll call B the carrier sort of like the go between if you like A , is your say , shop and C is your manufacturer .
9 And of course the deterrents that we 've had , over the years , when they they 've been of the emotive and knee jerk sort , and I remember the short sharp shock for instance , under Whitelaw , they did n't work , because they were n't thought out , they were just to make them clap at the Tory party conference .
10 I have n't seen any primroses sort of like in the hedges yet
11 well probably Madge , Madge sort of
12 Not hygiene sort of thing ?
13 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
14 The DLP won 116 of the 237 seats open to popular election , thereby entitling it to 33 of the 62 seats awarded on the basis of proportional representation , bringing its total in the 299-member Assembly to 149 , one seat sort of an overall majority .
15 sort of department sort of thing .
16 These include buttons for cut and paste functions ; text justification , size and style ; insert , delete , data sort and column adjustment , and a useful speed sum button which totals any highlighted row or column .
17 You are normally an all action sort , but today you are not at your explosive best .
18 Was Lucy sort of late with you ?
19 And then they had the handles and the tassels and then the top there was a tin sort of plate .
20 But why sea fi why , why does sea fishing interest you and not coarse fishing sort of thing ?
21 If you 're wanting to take er early retirement and erm you 're wanting enhancement say you retire at fifty nine and you want some enhancement , can you ask for enhancement sort of up to sixty five or has it only got to be up to sixty ?
22 Now , I have put down reports about the finance committee er as it were but I think the responses from the churches and districts sort of calculator will be there , we think that it would seem as though we should only offer the same amount as last year .
23 what words , regional accents and things , you know to u kind of update you know , the dictionary sort of style .
24 You 're classed , you 're classed as a reject sort of thing cos you 're living in these flats .
25 wrong , but they did n't like to play cos all those from up the lane were coming to their club sort of thing .
26 Because , you know , I 'd never been skiing before , so I went out all togged up , with like , my tights sort of , like , you know , thermal tights and you know , pair of track suits , sort of bottoms , plus plastic overtop and then I had like , sort of thermal top on , plus the that 's a sort of like , T-shirt , plus the polo-neck plus a jumper , plus a sort of like erm , a sort of sheepskin waistcoat and , and jacket and then this plastic thing over the top .
27 The only one I could think of would be Robert er , cos he 's sort a erm , he 's a bit of a broguey sort a
28 Does it need to be a high neck sort of thing ?
29 Is it just a polo neck sort of type ?
30 So my said , Ooh you know what if it does n't you you know you 'd have none for next term sort of thing I said well I 've got quite a few for next term still .
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