Example sentences of "[noun] appear " in BNC.

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1 It has taken more than 40 years , we are told , as well as improved autostradas , for the first ‘ Zimmern ’ signs to appear in Montepulciano .
2 The beautiful ones wear ornate regional head-dresses , chime bells and yodel to welcome the New Year , while nature mummers appear in costumes of pine-cones , moss and snail shells .
3 Because these three associated religions appear to have in common the belief in one transcendent personal creator , it is often assumed that they all believe in the same God .
4 Yet whatever the actual characteristics imputed to the mystical powers selected , seemingly arbitrary , for a given role , most religions appear to possess two complementary categories .
5 The first category includes those small towns where the defences appear to rationalize an extensive urban scatter and to enclose a suitable urban core .
6 Between 1986 and 1991 American states appear to have shut four landfills for every one they opened or expanded .
7 Evidence from the USA , however , shows that such use is patchy , and only two states appear to have directly used test results .
8 Natalie Merchant and co appear at West London 's Intimate Kensington Orange Club on September 29 , showcasing their first new material since 1989 's ‘ Blind Man Zoo ’ album .
9 As previously announced , Mark E Smith and co appear at Manchester Ritz Ballroom on September 15 , with special guests I Ludicrous , Fungus and Fabulous .
10 All the five patterns will be the same for any major or minor scale , but the order in which these forms appear on the fretboard will vary from key to key .
11 In Sonnets 1 to 17 the first-person forms appear twenty-five times ; if we compute the second-person forms by treating Thou and You as of equal value they appear 161 times .
12 Perhaps that is sufficient reason for claiming that postmodern organization forms appear to be implicit in these developments .
13 A number of present-day non-standard and casual speech forms appear to be indicated by some features of variable ME spelling .
14 Chevallier , though , is an artist working after Abstract Expressionism so accidental drips and runs of paint are integral to her work and the forms appear , albeit deceptively , to be less controlled .
15 Sidereal forms appear , their rich
16 In the future we can expect to see CICS appearing on yet more machines , says Pat Sueltz , transaction systems director at Hursley Park .
17 She smiles , and two dimples appear in her pasty cheeks , still shiny from last night 's application of face cream .
18 ‘ the facts of the present case appear to establish that the rogue assumed all the rights of an owner when he took or received the watch and ring from the plaintiff .
19 Not only have expectations of the future of oil prices been progressively lowered thus making most synfuel projects appear more expensive but investment cost estimates of these huge projects have also risen inexorably as the industry has reached a more exact comprehension of the real engineering costs .
20 He was a typical projector of the period , and he also had gifts as a writer , though some of his projects appear wrapped in airy rhetoric : only his colonizing plans are of enduring interest .
21 Such beliefs serve to explain the system to its members : they make social inequality appear rational and reasonable .
22 Seymour committed suicide on 20 Apr. 1836 ; his illustrations appear only in the first two parts of PP ( Apr. , May 1836 ) .
23 Fleet operators appear to have felt that the raids had not had much effect on operations there and it was rumoured that the National Iranian Oil Company ( NIOC ) was managing to improvise , using storage tanks on the mainland .
24 In the earlier series of auctions , there were large differences ( in terms of yield ) between minimum and maximum accepted bids but market operators appear to have learned by experience and , with the four auctions of 1991 , the difference was never more than three basis points .
25 I just do n't want to see similar signs appearing up mountains as hill-walking grows more popular Where would it all end ?
26 Regarding the pattern of these physical changes over time , different kinds of impairments appear to have different ‘ trajectories ’ , although there is also a certain degree of overlap in this .
27 Where snow persists late in summer and the growing season is short , meadows of short grasses and herbs appear among the shrubs .
28 Within this creed appear supportive rational arguments but also agnostic admissions , such as ‘ I can understand little about that mind ’ and ‘ I do not know what ‘ divine ’ means ’ .
29 Today , service , seniority , and experience do not appear to be considered at all , your religion or creed appear to be an important factor in regulating your progress in the Service … ’
30 In living lizards and crocodiles , new teeth appear in sequence below the functional teeth , which are effectively dead , and force them out periodically .
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