Example sentences of "[adv] clean " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Feet , joints and legs — the legs should be straight with fair , sloping pasterns , big knees and long clean hocks on short cannon bones , free from coarse hair ; the feet should have plenty of size with circular form protecting the frog ; walk , smart and true ; trot — well balanced all round with good action .
2 In East Berlin , as the Communist Party 's central committee continued in crisis session , the East German President , Mr Egon Krenz , declared : ‘ We have a great task ahead of us … to carry through a revolution on German soil that will bring a socialism which is economically effective , politically democratic , and morally clean . ’
3 That was my job so therefore my hands had to be constantly clean and that 's not easy for a seventeen year old to keep his hands clean all the time but I had to .
4 Mbuna have a basic requirement for moderately hard , alkaline water which should be extremely clean and well-oxygenated .
5 The rock is extremely clean and dries fast .
6 He 'd always been so clean before , so we knew there was something wrong and took him to the vet immediately . ’
7 So clean in its leaves and stem , as so beautiful in its flower ; loving to stand in water , which it drinks up so fast .
8 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
9 They were all bitterly jealous of Sweetheart because she was so clean , with beautiful hands , long painted nails and a face like a film-star 's .
10 He was so clean and tidy otherwise .
11 A few birds with long beaks were poking around by the water : how come they stay so clean when they 're always delving in the mud ?
12 She looked so clean , healthy ; fresh , indeed , as a dairy maid .
13 So that 's why the Beaver 's belly was so clean !
14 I started out by trying to take advantage of the Cabriolet 's acoustic properties , so clean sounds were dialled , fingers flexed and picks replaced in pocket .
15 The dormitories so clean and bare .
16 ‘ It 's never been so clean in its life .
17 You 're … you 're so clean underneath , and nobody knows except me .
18 He would watch the notices in the papers , and when someone died and the widow was left alone , he would go there and think up some sort of lie — he lied always , as a boy , even when there was no need , and he looked so clean and innocent that if you did not know him you would believe him , every time .
19 To what extent this was a natural conservatism and reluctance to use a different method of cutting , or a preference for the clean cut of a knife in skilled hands over the often not so clean cut of earlier designs of secateurs , or a bit of both , I 'm not so sure .
20 So clean !
21 Even in the eighteenth century , when interiors ( and people ) were at every social level a great deal dirtier than they became in the Victorian period , Defoe 's Moll Flanders can forgive a multitude of sins , where everything is ‘ so handsome and so clean ’ .
22 The kitchen looked so clean and bright , and the ladies so kind and sensible , that I dared to knock at the door .
23 American doctors : I sensed their vigour , scarcely held in check , like the profusion of their body hair ; and the forbidding touch of their forbidding hands — doctor 's hands , so strong , so clean , so aromatic .
24 But that 's because I 'm used to Edgar and Isabella , who are always so clean and tidy .
25 She thought of the beach and how lovely it was in winter , so clean and cold , and then she thought of the rocks and their pools , icy now in December and how , if the snow fell here , the flakes would melt into the water , the sea would always win .
26 The Markt was bathed in spring sunshine , and everywhere looked so clean and pristine as befitted the fine morning .
27 Yes , you you 've got to extend the route , well of course you 've got to put up , trolley poles every for about forty yards and then of course there was two lengths of trolley wire that had to go because as you know trolley buses used to have two arms , positive and negative supply and er , of course the bus had to come back er alongside the premiu the outward route , it come on , so you had four wires up there and the cost of copper wire was terrific so the motor buses were developed and we expenim experimented with the buses on , on extensions mainly but when the extensions were finished we then begradged because trolley wires were then beginning to wear out , rather than replace them they would convert a trolley route into a bus route , and erm because the erm , there was a lot of people hated to see the demise of the trolley buses because they were so clean and silent and the buses came , you got the deal sloke and lumbering of the old engines , that a lot of people hated to see the trolley buses go but cos that was the , the reason that they went .
28 Crilly never saw it so clean .
29 Belfast DUP councillor Sammy Wilson advocated internment , claiming security information showed only about 12 people were capable of assembling the weekend bombs and they kept themselves ‘ so clean there is little chance of getting evidence against them ’ .
30 Everything swept so clean
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