Example sentences of "[adv] arrange " in BNC.

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1 The catalogue consists of the artist 's writings together with transcriptions of his unpublished remarks and poems which have on occasion inspired him — all compiled and deftly arranged by the di Suvero authority , Monroe Denton .
2 Employers ' contributions were similiarly arranged , though with a further jump to 10.45 per cent on all pay-packets of over £165 a week .
3 So it was duly arranged , and Uncle William and Aunt Sarah took their little niece for baptism at their recently-rebuilt Zion Chapel in Frome in 1817 , just across the road from the Badcox Lane Baptists .
4 It was duly arranged that we should meet after work , and it was then that I gave him further details about my ‘ sponsored ’ trip to Paris and about my much more ambitious idea of a trip to Libya .
5 They can also run courses or help with internal courses , e.g. : ‘ Members of staff registered to attend courses and they provide tutors/input to locally arranged courses ’ .
6 Barthes 's ‘ Introduction to the structural analysis of narrative ’ deals with more than one level of narrative , but presumes that they are hierarchically arranged and that , therefore , to a certain extent , they can be discussed separately .
7 I wonder if it is here that the pictures are to appear , worrying that the seats are badly arranged , pointing the wrong way , that we wo n't be able to see them properly .
8 Some grant funding has been successfully arranged and the building should be completed by March , 1993 .
9 If this intercommunication is not properly arranged there will be the familiar symptoms of frustrating reiteration , decisions being misunderstood or being constantly revised , political manoeuvring and even concealment of progress within one or more of the teams .
10 When one tries to analyse the real reasons for the respect which French cookery has so long exacted from the rest of the world , the French genius for presentation must be counted as a very relevant point , and its humble beginnings can be seen on the market stalls , i the small town charcutiers ' and pâtissiers ' shops , in the modest little restaurants where even if the cooking is not particularly distinguished , the most ordinary of little dishes will be brought to your table with respect , properly arranged on a serving dish , the vegetables separately served , the object of arousing your appetite will be achieved and the proprietors of the establishment will have made the most of their limited resources .
11 The ingenious minds that take their delight in inventing causal hypotheses to account for these present seeming relations , through reference to supposed conditions of the past , will work more easily , and perhaps with more truthful results , if supplied with properly arranged data truly illustrating the present .
12 Supt Peter Durham from Newcastle city centre will address staff on how contingency plans can be properly arranged for Newcastle .
13 The date of the plaque on the Swan Lane wall is 1686 , by which time it was considered that the Garden had become ‘ effectively arranged ’ .
14 I snap , eyeing the lobsters , and observing a dozen fat oysters , discreetly arranged around them , which I had n't noticed before .
15 Chlorophyll , the green pigment that actually captures the Sun 's energy , is contained in tiny ‘ organelles ’ known as chloroplasts ; and these are mostly arranged within the mesoderm cells .
16 There are regular guided tours of the state rooms of the chateau , whose contents and decoration were mostly arranged during the restorations of the nineteenth century and are not very remarkable , with the exception of the tapestries .
17 Her hair was drawn back , skilfully arranged to fall in loose waves from a gold clasp .
18 The lesion consists of loosely arranged fibrovascular connective tissue with a variable inflammatory infiltrate including eosinophils .
19 Her hair , as always , was immaculately arranged .
20 Lockers were immaculately arranged , rooms scrubbed , windows polished and shoes and boots lined up under the beds .
21 Wolfe Tone , the aristocratic eighteenth-century Irish nationalist , had secretly arranged the arrival of a French invasion fleet .
22 The SFO had alleged that they secretly arranged for their own companies to buy shares , thereby raising the take-up level announced to other investors .
23 My first — secretly arranged — meeting with Harrison Ngau took place over early morning tea .
24 Renaissance , baroque , rococo and Biedermeier swirled around in our minds as we grew to understand the history of the Habsburg Empire in a tour that was , as far as possible , chronologically arranged .
25 She tackles this huge theme in nine chronologically arranged chapters , and the text is complemented by over 400 illustrations and an extensive bibliography .
26 Though touching briefly on all three , the encyclopedic John Grant mainly offers a pleasant novelty — a mass of numerically arranged information .
27 I 'd heard the voice of an angel — and when a meeting was eventually arranged between David and myself , through NEMS ' who were handling both of us at the time , I expected a very pimply youth to be standing there .
28 Over half the issues of British public libraries can be ascribed to recreational reading , although — as will be seen — public libraries are rarely arranged to suit the recreational approach .
29 He had hardly feared being presented with the usual artistic creation swimming in a pool of sauce and accompanied by one or two undercooked carrots and mange-tout elegantly arranged on a side plate .
30 I said I 'd meet with them at eleven o'clock to arrange the details . ’
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