Example sentences of "[noun pl] to hold " in BNC.

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1 A soldier of mixed Visigothic and Suevic extraction , he came to power under Avitus , was responsible for his fall , and was effectively involved in the appointment of all the western emperors to hold office between 457 and his own death in 472 .
2 Just when we expected to see Cordoba produce an extra gear as Walter Swinburn got to work with the whip , the son of El Gran Senor capitulated and it was Balla Cove who produced extra reserves to hold the late thrust of Rock City .
3 They bashed hell out of it so much that it bust wide open , and we had to use all our reserves to hold them .
4 A fund raising idea of Judy , a volunteer from Scotland , the actual birthday is the nineteenth of May , as you know , to mark this we are asking all our supporters to hold a party for us on that day , or as near to it as possible .
5 There are commercially produced stands or easels to hold the papers , but a home-made version is cheap and easily stored .
6 It had long been traditional for offices to hold an annual dinner for staff in the winter and an outing or picnic in summer .
7 In an important step which strengthens the actuarial role in life companies , a requirement for Appointed Actuaries of life offices to hold an ‘ Appointed Actuary Certificate ’ has been introduced .
8 These are the leather straps you put round the bird 's legs to hold it on the glove that you have to wear when you handle birds of prey .
9 When she got to her feet there was no strength in her legs to hold her .
10 The Riding Establishment Act makes it compulsory for riding schools to hold a licence which is issued after annual inspections .
11 Top quality mattresses are also hand side-stitched — this will look like rows of dimples around the borders to hold the springs firmly in place at the edges and to strengthen the border .
12 New secure units to hold hardened young criminals would stop bail bandits in their tracks .
13 ‘ I advise our dear people and all Muslim nations to hold the international Qods Day ceremonies this year more warmly and enthusiastically than in previous years , ’ he said in the broadcast monitored in Nicosia .
14 The bodies that govern companies , unions , clubs and nations all employ people to do work , and they all organize these employees in managerial hierarchies , systems that allow organizations to hold people accountable for getting assigned work done .
15 A Portsmouth ballvalve has retaining caps to hold in both the piston and , usually , the washer inside the piston
16 Feeling the pinch : chief executive Jane Tozer ( left ) and marketing manager Jill Warren ( right ) expect potential clients to hold off for some time .
17 She went to rush past him but he caught her bare arms and swung her round , grasping her shoulders to hold her still .
18 Dolphins that feed mainly on squid usually have fewer teeth and have developed other adaptations to hold on to their slippery-bodied meals .
19 He rose to his feet to hold her more firmly .
20 The strong-smelling ‘ stewed ’ strips of blanket were hot , and as I wrung out the excess water , I needed tongs to hold them for the first few minutes .
21 The bomb Simon Cormack had been carrying on his person was concealed in the broad leather belt he wore around his waist and which had been given him by his abductors to hold up the denim jeans they had also provided for him .
22 They could let down extra wires to hold the branch and winch it up when it was cut free .
23 The clay is keyed into holes on the board , and there are also nails at two inch random intervals to hold it .
24 The thunder of it drowned his voice as he yelled at the rodman up in the bows to hold the jib clear of the stays .
25 These changes have been made because , when the original Regulations were drafted , they failed to require non-qualifying trusts to hold any shares at all .
26 Maguire struck Playing Truant 14 blows after the second last with most coming after the final flight as he pulled out all the stops to hold off Angelo 's Double .
27 Build storage cabinets and shelves to hold a collection of records .
28 This expresses the willingness of buyers of bills to hold the existing stock .
29 Nail battens across two corners to hold the frame true
30 Attorney General Amos Wako announced the same day that political parties would not be required to obtain licences to hold rallies during the election campaign , and that all parties would be allocated equal air time on national radio and television .
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