Example sentences of "[noun pl] brought " in BNC.

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1 It was a dramatic and impractical outfit of a kind I only expected to see on the male models who posed in the more outlandish fashion magazines that our rich clients brought aboard Wavebreaker , yet Jesse Isambard Sweetman managed to wear the elaborate style with an elegant insouciance .
2 So far , there had been no outbreak in the district , but , acting on the principle that prevention was better than cure , many clients brought in their dogs to be vaccinated .
3 Tea and eatables brought in a big Orkney basket to the harvesters and eaten while seated in the lea of the stokes was a special treat .
4 That on the morning of his return my husband would have two such … low sorts brought to him ? ’
5 Just to conclude , I share the view expressed already by Councillor , that just as the issue of the elderly persons homes brought about the loss of control for the Conservatives in , be sure the Health Service will bring about the downfall of the Conservatives in White Hall .
6 TOP pension fund managers are having to consider shifting funds into government gilt-edged stock as a result of the fall in the yield on UK equities brought about by changes announced in Tuesday 's Budget .
7 He could seldom resist an invitation to address a learned society , a university , a county or regional association , a professional body , indeed any gathering of apparently public-spirited gentlemen brought together for non-commercial purposes .
8 A slightly different slant is provided by Clarke ( 1978 ) , who maintains that , in developing their earliest relationship to the game , young working-class fans brought with them traditional soccer/shop-floor values , such as partisanship , toughness , masculinity and collectivism .
9 I 've been looking at some of the old programmes that some of the fans brought from those shows , and it was interesting to look back and see the people that I travelled with . ’
10 The Buttholes brought back to rock the expanded WAISTLINE , a conspicuously WASTEFUL attitude to sound .
11 Slooten and Dawson found that many of the animals brought in to them were young animals , perhaps inexperienced in the use of their sonar .
12 And in one experiment rats were exposed throughout infancy to the music of either Mozart or Schoenberg and then given musical preference tests in adulthood ( with the result that animals brought up on Mozart showed a definite preference for that music , whereas the Schoenberg-reared group gave no indication of a hankering after the familiar music ! ) .
13 Adaptation as a concept was perfectly acceptable to the nineteenth-century naturalist — they had , after all , had plenty of opportunity to observe the changes that an English climate wrought on the coats and plumage , as well as the size , of live birds and animals brought from hot countries .
14 Animals brought into the country are automatically quarantined .
15 In 50 years as a vets ' surgery The Grange has had to tend to many waif birds and animals brought for treatment .
16 A note on her office door explains that shifting heavy loads without the help of porters brought on muscular back spasms .
17 Customers tend to use the product either as a report generator for existing , often highly complex databases brought down from the mainframe , or as a tool for the complete re-engineering of their applications , including prototyping .
18 Some Sri Lankans were able to take advantage of employment opportunities brought about by increased government expenditure , but the high inflation rate of the war years cut the standard of living of many Sri Lankans .
19 As an alternative to a proactive search , acquisitive clients can be provided with a reactive search service , whereby their acquisition criteria are registered on MAS 's Buyreg database and then matched with sale opportunities brought to the attention of clients .
20 She listened to the stories of small triumphs brought back from the dances .
21 Alternances was built on fragments of Romanian folk songs but there was also a feel of this in the Scherzo too for its somewhat frenetic and flamboyant violin melodies brought to mind the gypsy fiddlers of Eastern Europe .
22 Members and supporters brought up in the pre-1968 glory days are mostly content to support the White Rose despite their lack of success .
23 His words brought to her eyes the same look that is in an eagle 's eyes as she flies again above moorland of the Western Isles and watches , far below , her own shadow flighting across the wild moorland wastes of Callanish .
24 ‘ But it is n't , ’ she cried , frantic now as her words brought home the enormity of what was happening .
25 It is true that cases of seditious words brought before the courts at the time of the disturbances show that disaffection was often expressed in terms of a belief in Stuart legitimism : in early 1715 , Londoner Phillip Hide cursed King George and said " he had no right to the Crowne of England " , whilst on 29 May 1715 , during the Jacobite demonstrations in London , John Burnoist was noticed to be wandering the streets shouting " James the third is right and Lawfull King of England " , the " protector of the protestant religion " , and " George is a Usurper to the Crown " .
26 She 'd known he would follow Didi as soon as the ring was found and the American wanted him by her side , but still his words brought such pain that for a moment Luce thought she 'd moaned aloud .
27 There is not enough space in this course to deal with simple words of more than three syllables , nor with special cases of loan words ( words brought into the language from other languages comparatively recently ) .
28 Prior to his arrival Sotheby 's ( still specialising heavily in books at this date ) had an unwritten agreement with Christie 's that they sent them any pictures brought to their offices and in return Christie 's sent them any books they received for sale .
29 The entire loft is a matted tangle of sticks and twigs brought in by the jackdaws over God knows how many centuries ; in parts it is many metres deep .
30 Indeed , apart from the occasional sortie to The Galleon , our chief diversion was to read — books brought from home , or bought in London or Oxford on a day off , as there was in Wolverton neither bookshop nor library .
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