Example sentences of "[noun pl] compare " in BNC.

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1 The sediments are well-preserved , enabling researchers to compare levels of water pollution with particular phases of the growth and decline of the City of London since Roman times , and in particular with pollution levels in the past 300 years .
2 you could median split them at whatever the medium was and then you 've got two groups to compare erm because it usually looks quite nice if you 've got something comparative as well as looking at the average sort of , you know , pattern of responses on the questionnaire .
3 However , given that the policies adopted by the UK government and EC Commission were a quota and minimum import price respectively , it is necessary to derive appropriate non-tariff policies to compare with the policies utilized in practice .
4 Whatever meaning this image had had in Charlemagne 's day , Walahfrid invited his contemporaries to compare and contrast the miserly , heretical , tyrannous Theodoric with the generous , orthodox and merciful Louis .
5 Using these forms has the advantage of enabling the selection personnel to compare the applicants ' responses and qualifications quickly and easily .
6 One method attempts to compare the structures of teeth or limbs or some other feature of the extinct animal with living analogues .
7 However , the split-brain findings may not apply to normal subjects , and attempts to compare the relative effects of damage to left and right sides of the brain are notoriously fraught with problems .
8 There were no large cities to compare with London , but then London had no rivals in Britain either .
9 Construct indices to compare overall teenage abortion in 1969 and 1983
10 These graphs and can then be displayed side by side in multi-windows enabling designers to compare various elements of their application such as power input and distance and then edit them , on screen , in a debugging Window .
11 This would allow the identification of implants that are doing badly and would allow individual units to compare their performance with national figures .
12 Skye has no other scenic attractions to compare with the Black Cuillin but deserving of special mention is the capital , Portree , a bonny little town , and further north along the coast the Storr and its Old Man , conspicuous on the skyline .
13 A careful scrutiny of existing policies and their implicit and explicit assumptions should do two things ; it should enable choices to be made at the level of general strategies , as to what is most conducive to equity or equality , it should also enable individual teachers in individual schools to compare their circumstances with those of others and learn which innovations seem to suit what circumstances and to take heart from the struggles and successes of their colleagues .
14 There 's a lot of conservatism in the vocal world here , and they sometimes come to performances to compare if it 's louder or softer ; I like big voices and I 'm trying to collect every rich voice I can , does n't matter if it 's in Novosibirsk where we heard Gorchakova , but what I 'm saying is that it has to be a complex , not just a voice and something else , or not just actor and a bit of voice . ’
15 Happening by chance to be employed in one of the most notoriously protest-prone university schools in the Western world , I have noticed an extraordinary anomaly in student protest behaviour which I invite my readers to compare with their own experience , which I think they will find quite closely comparable to my own .
16 A similar study , using 7–11-year-old children as subjects compared dream reports following a violent western compared to a bland film about baseball .
17 Indeed , the jaws of the low-feeding dinosaurs compared favourably with those of modern herbivore mammals .
18 With their infamous riding qualities , the units compared ill with the air-conditioned delights of Mark 3 and HST stock being introduced on other regions .
19 Small pots , each containing several one and two-month old Lolium temulentum plants grown at 20°C ( i.e. unstressed plants ) were viewed at various times and the images compared .
20 However , Hope characteristically persisted to promote his plan to reshape London by publishing The Government 's and Mr. Beresford Hope 's plans for Public Offices compared .
21 Asked how British and American teenagers compared , he wrote :
22 Data about different castles could be put into the computer and the different castles compared .
23 The table shows that Britain 's banking system is not unduly burdened with branches compared with others ( though all may be labouring under the legacy of the expansionary 1980s ) .
24 These are not , furthermore , isolated examples ; in scene four , Anderson has the longest turn ( 86 words compared with the next longest , McKendrick 's 47 ) as he does in the final scene ( 53 words against McKendrick 's 14 ) .
25 There was no significant difference between cases and controls in oral contraceptive use : 12 of the 16 hypertensive women had recorded use of oral contraceptives compared with 13 of the 16 controls .
26 Better still , look at its insurance ratings compared with close rivals ' : the Golf GTi and Rover 216 GTi fall into group 14 , the Escort XR3i into group 15 , the Furio nestles happily in group 11 .
27 Significant ( p<0.001 ) suppressions of urinary PABA excretion were found in rats pretreated with antibiotics compared with the control group ( B1 , 4.9 ( 1.6 ) µg ; B2 , 31.0 ( 4.7 ) µg ; B3 , 40.9 ( 5.5 ) µg ) .
28 50% of girls under 16 allegedly have sexual relationships compared with 2% 30 years ago
29 The main benefit to the United States of the Smithsonian Agreement lay in the new exchange rates which embodied a 9 per cent devaluation of the dollar in relation to other currencies compared with the pre-August rates and thus increased US competitiveness .
30 It may seem grudging then to criticise the book for only including four essays on women 's visual images compared with seven pieces on different themes and genres in women 's writing .
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