Example sentences of "[art] nice " in BNC.

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1 I was going to tell my joke to the nice German but he had started talking to someone else .
2 ‘ Funnily enough , that 's been one of the nice things about Harwich : people have n't overburdened everything with all my troubles and they 've just been themselves .
3 The busy sex life of the nice male : Chris Barnard explains why patting children on the head could help a man curry favour with their mother
4 Football : Toshack confronts his Real test : Shankly 's protege carries the Liverpool creed to Madrid in a relentless pursuit of the European Cup : Patrick Barclay on the British manager putting the nice on ice in the hotbed of Spanish football
5 The building of a hotel and golf course as well as an extra 30 corporate hospitality boxes at Lingfield was the sort of commercial diversification that the Muddles see as a prerequisite to transforming racecourses into the nice little earners they should be .
6 To push him towards a record , Scott will be challenged by Mark Allen , six-times winner of the Nice Triathlon , plus Mike Pigg , Ken Glah and Scott Tinley , while the top European will probably be Rob Barel , from The Netherlands .
7 And the nice thing was that people used to join us .
8 The nice one — who was a dead ringer for the compère in Hi-Di-Hi — came in and said , Well Glen , we 've thought about it , we 're not going to charge you with handling stolen goods .
9 The girls would sleep in the nice rooms , while the boys would have the canteen .
10 By and large , the nice ones are just as nice and the nasty ones not much nastier .
11 For managers , the nice thing about chapter 11 is that it protects the firm from its creditors until a rescue deal is sorted out ; and the firm can stop paying its interest charges .
12 They dispose of ‘ all the nice furniture that used to be in the saloon and then the candelabra ’ .
13 Maybe they had n't got any clothes , and they could n't afford one of the nice rooms , and they did n't belong anywhere , but they had each other and they had Baby to visit each day .
14 So who were the nice people ?
15 Like the nice man said .
16 You take the nasty results with the nice , examine them thoroughly and dispassionately and ask these questions : What are people really concerned about ?
17 Jason , always the nice guy , did n't want to upset anybody .
18 The nice thing about him is his self-deprecating manner .
19 Charles Spencer comes on stage as the nice guy who has dissociated himself from the forced sale of tenants ' cottages , grieved over the disposal of historic treasures and heralded a new degage era of neighbourliness .
20 The nice thing about fighting a seat like this is that we ca n't lose since we 're coming from rock bottom .
21 ‘ I 'm playing for the fun I can get out of it for myself , and not for them , ’ said the five-times Wimbledon champion after a 7–5 , 6–2 defeat by Frenchman Olivier Delaitre in the Nice Open yesterday in his first relevant match of this year 's comeback .
22 Sampras , who registered a 2–6 , 7–5 , 6–3 defeat of Martin Jaite , the Argentine clay court specialist , in the second round of the Nice Open , said ; ‘ I had a tough European trip last year .
23 Teenage magazines often have stories about girls who fall in love with handsome , exciting young men who do n't care for them at all while ignoring the nice , but rather ordinary , boy-next-door who thinks the world of them .
24 ‘ C'm on and see the nice Tele-Vision , whatever that is . ’
25 ’ ‘ Mon and look at the nice show in the League of Nations place , or thae big battleships and bombers painted on the walls over there .
26 One of the nice things about them is that they are situated in one of the quieter areas between Palma Nova and Magalluf , but it is only a short walk to the beaches and nightlife of both resorts .
27 The contents of most systems are not the nice clean water that comes out of the tap , but a disgusting black sludge which will ruin floorcoverings and be very difficult to clean up if a leak occurs .
28 That 's the nice thing about Romantica … you can have a highly active holiday if you want to but if you do n't , you can wander around the Club and feel like you 've landed on a beautiful tropical island !
29 Modigliani moved in to be with her for the last few days and at the end of November Jeanne entered the Nice Maternity Hospital .
30 The nice thing is that , at least in music , the girls are on par with the boys .
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