Example sentences of "[prep] doubt " in BNC.

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1 Ramsey expected that once the resolution was taken everything in the mind would be peace after doubt .
2 It celebrates creativity amid doubt and despondency — creativity as energy but also as a duty , work to be done by man as it is the sun 's task to shine .
3 There are always moments of doubt .
4 Moments of doubt she magicked away with the spell of Lucy 's eyes .
5 I sense of doubt and hesitancy lingers .
6 The most obvious area of doubt was in the chucking marks , and in this area the drawings must again be followed .
7 A common feeling among Tory MPs is that on matters such as the resurrection of Christ , on which the Bishops should be certain , they are full of doubt ; but on matters such as the precise level of the public sector borrowing requirement , they are vociferous in their certainty .
8 Flames of doubt were fanned by the crew 's insistence that they had activated the emergency radio beacon for a week , though it was not picked up .
9 The leaders blamed the disenchantment of their young people on an international conspiracy by reactionary forces aimed at , according to Mr Honecker , ‘ confusing people and sowing seeds of doubt in the power and advantages of socialism ’ .
10 Ms Kennedy said that coupled with the suggestion — left over from a case in 1976 — that woman and boys tend to lie , this initial suggestion of doubt can be an ‘ appalling ’ for the victim , who was already having to relive the ordeal in court .
11 ‘ Moments of doubt and uncertainty always arise , even with the greatest people .
12 The other area of doubt concerns a question whether the same laws of historical development apply to the whole history of mankind or whether different , simpler laws apply to primitive societies .
13 When a [ makonde ] sculptor departs from the stereotype [ … $ this is nearly always because an element of doubt or defiance has been worked into it ; a madonna is given a demon to hold instead of the Christ Child ; a priest is represented with the feet of a wild animal , a pietà becomes a study not of sorrow but of revenge , with the mother raising a spear over the body of her dead son .
14 I shall be a failure , I shall have to take Holy Orders , but you see , I 'm in such an agony of doubt , I ca n't decide . ’
15 One of the problems was a certain sense of doubt about British and indeed Western objectives .
16 RACAL is the company which proves beyond a shadow of doubt that share prices say nothing about what a company is worth .
17 In cases of doubt , a trustee may protect himself by obtaining , at the cost of the trust property , the direction of the court , and the Trustee Act 1925 , s. 61 , had enabled the court to relieve a trustee , who has acted honestly and reasonably and ought fairly to be excused , from liability for breach of trust .
18 There was no question of doubt but that the Irish had been blessed with the gift of the Blarney .
19 But a tiny , treacherous crack of doubt had opened in his mind .
20 It was a great release from the torture of doubt , confusion , and anxiety to abandon her mind to revenge .
21 In practice , there might be situations of doubt ; a man might claim that there was nothing to alert him to the girl 's age ( e.g. a 15-year-old girl , who looks much older , soliciting in a street with other prostitutes ) .
22 There is without a shadow of doubt some very nasty gossip about me now sludging its filthy way through the intestines of the society I know and have come to despise .
23 Everywhere she looked there were areas of doubt and her apprehension grew .
24 In 1555 , it was punishable only ‘ according to the quality of the fault in their bodies and goods at the Queen 's Grace 's pleasure ’ — that is , there was now an element of doubt expressed about the exaction of the extreme penalty .
25 ‘ There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that we will win , ’ he says .
26 An opinion poll conducted among passengers by driver Tony Norris proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the Conservatives will confound the nation on Thursday .
27 But as the chill of doubt takes hold , underpinned by Lincoln 's development from an enchanting small boy into an adolescent from hell , Carroll 's novel abruptly veers off the rails , lurching from an interesting and astute study of an ordinary man faced with a monstrous moral dilemma into a considerably less interesting fantasy about ( I think ) cyclical existence and reincarnation .
28 Once I actually got inside the privacy of the polling booth , a wave of doubt came over me .
29 The dropped goal , the ball agonisingly slow in flight , was a beauty but there was a strong element of doubt about the validity of the exchanges immediately before .
30 Is a life of doubt diversified by faith ,
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