Example sentences of "[noun sg] to come " in BNC.

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1 Once or twice during the Course he would make an excuse to come to collect something or other , and I think he enjoyed seeing some of the results of the teachers ' acquaintance with the displays .
2 I hope it will provide your parents ’ she stressed the word — ‘ with an excuse to come and visit me more often . ’
3 I made an excuse to come out .
4 But I 'll need no excuse to come next time .
5 But the men from the Midlands had enjoyed themselves so well , they decided the engraved glass trophy should stay in Scotland to give them the excuse to come back and play for it again !
6 ‘ Gives me an excuse to come and put you to bed , I guess .
7 It just gave me an excuse to come charging up here . ’
8 How can a series of fixed instructions cause the computer to come up with a random sequence of results ?
9 Can we catch up , by a little clairvoyance , on the persistent tendency of state provision to come thirty years late ?
10 ‘ And then , ’ Corbett interrupted smoothly , ‘ she allowed the royal whore to come and stay in your midst ? ’
11 He 's done all the work at the scene — all anyone can do — and then he has to cool his heels with the rest of us , waiting for God 's gift to forensic pathology to come screaming up with a police escort and break the news to us that what we all thought was a corpse is — surprise , surprise indeed a corpse , and that we can safely move the body . "
12 They were afraid of their shite to come out of the towns .
13 Fear was there , certainly , and also an inability to come to terms with what had happened , but there was something more .
14 Callinicos ' conclusion to these arguments is that despite their efforts , built around a claimed contrast of the postmodern either with or within Modernism , these authors have produced only ‘ mutually and often internally inconsistent accounts ’ of the ‘ postmodern ’ , manifesting an ‘ inability to come up with a plausible and coherent account of its distinguishing characteristics ’ ( p. 28 ) .
15 Whether it is the timidly smiling cleric having tea , the piously confident student talking about the way in which Jesus warms up his or her heart , or the aggressively confident know-all trying to recall the country to ‘ civilisation ’ , it is a similar picture of inability to come to terms with the way in which most people in Western societies live .
16 This can also happen when a doctor experiences discomfort in the face of death , or an inability to come to terms with his own helplessness .
17 Of course she 'd had to ; Gran needed her ; Adam was no use , and Ruth , steady and sensible , was the obvious grandchild to come and help over the summer season .
18 ‘ The Face never wanted this case to come to court and every effort was made to settle the dispute , without success . ’
19 ‘ The Face never wanted this case to come to court and every effort was made to settle the dispute , without success . ’
20 I have nonetheless determined to deliver a short judgment because it seems to me that there are lessons to be learned from this case which , I am told by Mr. Tyzak , is the first case to come before this particular bench under the Children Act 1989 .
21 I spent all the next seven months waiting for my case to come up and fighting to keep my daughter .
22 The second point is that of course as we accept into the role of opposition indeed to give these alternative proposals , give this particulary case to come within the government guidelines .
23 He 'd been staying at a bail hostel in Gloucester whilst waiting for the case to come to court .
24 ‘ And as it is the first case to come up in Scotland , it could help other people in the same circumstances . ’
25 The two men argued that 's it 's an abuse of the legal process for the case to come to court 24 years after they allegedly helped the soviet double agent escape from Wormwood Scrubs , but Mr Randall has mixed feelings about their victory .
26 The old bonds must be forged stronger than ever , the tree of State made firm against the storm to come , from root to branch . ’
27 Finn , sullen , vindictive , was forcing the killing blow to come to him .
28 My full interview seemed to go reasonably smoothly so at the end of it I asked how long would it take for my money to come through .
29 We never learn how Sya and Sohy have raised the money to come to Britain any more than we discover how the unemployed thespian lodger pays the rent .
30 ‘ I 've paid all this money to come to Hawaii and all you can do is screw around . ’
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