Example sentences of "[noun sg] door " in BNC.

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1 It 's not that , with creosote , that 's that old green fence door .
2 ‘ So you 've cub to live dext door to us ?
3 Back in the scullery to the left of the lavatory door , coal was stored beneath a window ; a convenient spot as it had walls on three sides , with loose boards which fitted into slots at either end forming the front .
4 Billy was still laughing when the lavatory door creaked open and Selwyn pushed aside the loganberry bush and stepped out
5 A crash on the stairs and a thumping on the door opposite jerks her attention back to the lavatory door which badly needs repainting .
6 Turning the back-door key , she looked longingly at the lavatory door .
7 Water was poured through the hole in the floor immediately outside the lavatory door : an under-floor channel linked the hole with the vertical soil pipe under the lavatory seat .
8 He chuckled and pushed open the lavatory door for her .
9 Possessed of a strength born of fear and rage , she rained blows onto him , pushing him against the lavatory door , which flew open .
10 The two girls totter to the lavatory door , laughing at the funniest thing they 've seen since Grandma sat on her chihuahua .
11 So far , driver Sam Webster was pleased with his young mate 's performance and had noted with approval how he used his firing shovel to spread the coal systematically round the firebox and his ability to fire up through the firehole door trap without having to open the door .
12 When we were satisfied that all the holes in the walls , main door , loft door and roof were sealed up , and nothing could get in or out , we turned our attention to the exterior .
13 And tomorrow , you could put a drop of oil on that loft door , and the stable one an' all ; they screech like barn owls . ’
14 To further extend the stage , they established themselves alongside the fuller 's house where the broad stone steps of an outside staircase climbed the side of the building to a loft door — a ready-made Hill of Heaven .
15 Gabriel leapt from the stage to the stone steps and slipped into the dark slit of shade where the loft door stood ajar .
16 In a leather purse hung on the handle of the loft door were eight bright shillings .
17 Something flashed in the centre of the cell door like a lens in an old-fashioned camera .
18 One night at Rose Hill , there was a feller kept making a bloody nuisance of himself — kept kicking the cell door .
19 He heard a scrabbling at the foot of his cell door and two small dark shadows blocked the faint line of light as they squirmed under and scurried across the cell floor .
20 A former Bunny girl with striking looks and a keen brain , she was a charismatic figure to the American public and soon film makers were queuing at her jail cell door .
21 Despite cries for help and shouted warnings that some of the prisoners were suffocating to death , the cell door was not opened until two hours later .
22 Otherwise , you can choose between the occupied cells , where the character will find the occupant between himself and the cell door
23 Massenga took the keys from one of them and unlocked Ngune 's cell door .
24 She walked across the room and , grabbing her daughter 's long hair , yanked her towards the cell door .
25 Kate grabbed the shoulder of her daughter 's tee-shirt and dragged her to the cell door .
26 Then we barricaded ourselves in , piled our mattresses against the cell door .
27 The cell door opened , and as the visitors left , Fagin started struggling and fighting with his guards , screaming so loudly that the prison walls rang with the sound .
28 There 's even a burglar-alarm on my cell door .
29 Then , like in a cell door , a six-inch square panel slides back , and part of a face looks out .
30 At last Fitzosbert stopped at one cell door and clicked his fingers .
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